Archived BRLA/backroom score, tips

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Oct 19, 2015
I work at a pretty well run store but i have a bunch of new team members in my backroom, i try my best to train them to the best of my knowledge and my TL does the same as well. our process is not backed up , but i want to find more ways and tips to improve my BRLA and BR score. we have a lot of errors/baffles. i need some tips on time efficient ways to get through my daily routine asap so i can work on projects/ fix my score(i want to see how other stores get through their day and shoot ideas back and fourth. tips on training new backroom TM's ( boundaries; things i can say and things i cant, feedback i can give positive and negative).tips for for instocks would help to...whatever it may be! thankyou!!!
@.the bulls eye. I'm going to assume you are a backroom/instocks TL. I'm a Senior TL Backroom/Instocks. This is the process I use each week:

  • Utilize the audit. Do not ever let the audit roll into the next day. Have it completed either first thing in the morning when the Autofills are completed or before hand. Assign that task to a team member you trust and has significant experience in the backroom. Have them record the total errors/locations and provide that to you each time. Use this to check for audit trends to determine if the audit is larger after certain days (truck days? same TM's working?).
  • Close off your backroom. No team member who is not backroom certified or approved by YOU should be pulling or backstocking, putting this into place will help significantly.
  • Team Members who show up on your BRLA TM Detail report as having high error counts should be talked to. Don't make it a coaching the first time, instead actually speak to them and try and understand what the problem is. (Too many DPCI per waco? Pallets blocking labels? Damaged Labels?) then walk the TM through the proper way to handle it.
  • Avoid M-Delete usage where possible. If a TM cannot find the product, have them go to a peer for assistance. Back out of the batch, have the other TM enter it, and scan all product possible. While not best practice, you can LOCU and re-sto if the product cannot be found. Be prepared to speak to this if your DTL inquires about LOCU usage
  • CHALLENGE. If your team does not utilize the challenge process, you needed to start it a long time ago. When the PDA displays the option that a product can fit on the floor and asks if your team still wants to backstock it? That's "Challenge". That product needs to be set on a dedicated tub and be re-worked by the FLOW TL or dedicated Flow TM for challenge. Backstocking challenging creates outs on the floor and in the end only increases the workload for both instocks and your own team. Challenge product will re-pull on the next round of CAF's or EXF/RSCH batches.
It will take a few weeks but it will catch on, just maintain it from there on out. My BRLA has been green for 12+ months straight.

  • Training should be comprised of 2 weeks of training. First week should be 2 closing shifts partnered with a trainer, the second week should be morning truck days. After the two week period, they should not be going solo for at least 30 days.
  • Go over the basics: Pulls, Backstock, Research & EXF batches, etc. Explain every step they take impacts the team as a whole and it can be audited
  • Follow up on training each week, as if they need help or if they have questions.
  • Be approachable, do not be the TL who barks commands yet never is willing to get their hands dirty
  • If you need specifics, feel free to message me
Backroom Scores:
  • MIR should always be green, if not, address receiving and your receiver immediately. Do not let this get away from you
  • Flexible Fulfillment scores: Schedule backroom to be there till 10PM or whenever your store stops accepting orders for the day. Even one missed order can impact your score on a low volume week. Talk about the importance of it at huddle and the impact it has on sales. EVERY leader needs to be on board. Communication was sent out to all upper management detailing the importance of these roll-outs, if they don't want to be on board, then your DTL will ensure they don't stay at the company long.
  • This can greatly vary based on your volume but I'll provide a basic idea:
  • First, hours. Are you being provided the hours you need? Is your team being used for other tasks?
  • Schedule based upon the area that is being scanned, the current schedule makes it much easier to complete the tasks.
  • MySupport should be used for POG's that are not being replenished
  • I require my backroom team to pull all EXF's and RSCH within one hour of it dropping. No excuses.
  • Priority pulls should not be the responsibility of just the instocks team. SALES are a priority to all workcenters, if instocks is still scanning, salesfloor or additional leaders should be pushing and filling those outs and endcaps.
  • OOS.... the big one. Most DTL's will judge your performance based upon this metric. This is total outs divided by total SKU's.
  • Use MyPerformance to track high OOS areas, look at scheduling and audit the scan in these areas.
  • ALWAYS aim for at LEAST 1,000 scans each week day, preferably higher.
  • Challenge. Challenge. Challenge. Look above and make sure your logistics teams are utilizing the challenge process.

While I don't post here as often as I'd like, I do try to answer questions when possible and I'm currently writing a guide for Backroom & Instocks. (had to tweak quite a bit when the october changes rolled out.)
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