Archived Business walks...

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Jun 3, 2013
Just wondering how other Tls manage to get their Business Walks done in a timely manner? With the work load in consumables(where Im
a tl) and my TLOD shifts I find it extremely difficult to find the time...Mt ETL is on our butts to get these walks completed but no time. Any one with the same issue?
I'm behind a few weeks now...The TLs that are under my ETL are in the same boat...any suggestions?
Hated the business walks, hate the vibe book...

I am always a month or more behind on it, luckily my ETL isn't very good at keeping up with paperwork either. It takes the HR to get onto him to sit down with me and basically just pencil whip it real quick, he signs it and we turn it in. Worthless piece of time consuming paperwork that does nothing. HR tried to tell me that if anyone looked at my book they would question my leadership abilities, yeah sorry that book don't mean squat on how I lead my team and get my job done.
dash11, is this your ETL?

Backroomdude, I totally agree with you..what a waste of time....we also do the Vibe booklet..
i'm not a fan of the vibe booklets because I don't think they really help me manage my buisness but they only take me 10 minutes top to do so it's not a huge deal. The thing that takes me the longest is to ask team members questions and i seemed to always struggle with that. I've started trying to ask one team member every shift i work so that i'm always talking with someone and can just insert answers when needed. I actually like this better because i feel like i'm getting to know people better and communicating better with them and that's always a number one complaint at our store.
Hated the business walks, hate the vibe book...

I am always a month or more behind on it, luckily my ETL isn't very good at keeping up with paperwork either. It takes the HR to get onto him to sit down with me and basically just pencil whip it real quick, he signs it and we turn it in. Worthless piece of time consuming paperwork that does nothing. HR tried to tell me that if anyone looked at my book they would question my leadership abilities, yeah sorry that book don't mean squat on how I lead my team and get my job done.

I would disagree in some sense... I do think some of the sections of the vibe books are questionable, but some of it does bring good things! I think the sales section could be restructured to include myperformance scores for the store (making the first page an overview of the quarter for your entire store... This way every TL knows sales information and which areas need the most assistance)... The mini-chat sessions are the BEST thing to be rolled out! Target needs to expand on these and venture away from the vibe a little bit and send out different questions each time (focusing on team commitment topics)... The scoring your own area/manage your business section should remain the same in terms of grading your own area, but instead of letters for what you did it should leave blank space to write why you give something a "No" (leaving anything with a yes blank)... Then when you walk with your ETL the comments section should be actionable items on the No's... Then contribution and statuses can remain the same!

That is a bit off topic, but then again many of the suggestions I make on here usually get rolled out (so we'll see lol)...

And to the OP, you just need to setup a routine to get these done! I coach my own peers on not completing them because it takes MAYBE 15 minutes to get them done! If the issue is you can't sit down with your ETL to go over them, then I would question the communication between you two... How do you manage an area without any type of interaction with your ETL?
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