Archived Calling Out

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Jul 31, 2012
I have to call out tomorrow even though it is a Sunday.

However, my name was on the swap board because I was originally trying to get it off (no one took the shift) but now I need to call out for a family emergency.

My co-worker told me that because my name is on the swap board and I called out, I can get in a lot of trouble.

I've been with spot for nine months and have never called out, never had any issues or coaching, and have came in when they called me at least 10 times.
You're fine, just explain the emergency if they ask. They can't treat you differently no matter the reason you call out.
You'll be fine. That's the purpose of the shift swap board. You did your part- trying to find someone to cover so you do not have to call out. Sometimes it works, others not so much. Just call out as usual 2 hours before your shift to give them time to try to call someone in.
I wouldn't delay in letting them know. Let them know you won't be able to work as soon as possible.
If they like you, you should be fine.

Next time you are in that situation, ask a GSTL or GSA if they can help you find someone to take the shift. If you explain the nature of your emergency, they should be more than willing to help you out.
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