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it usually takes a lot to fire a TL, at least in my experience at my store (like above said, ASANTS). we have been trained to document every conversation, even ones that are 'casual' so we have a paper trail to back us up on our end- but I know plenty of ETLs who simply don't do that too. It depends on your leader and how they run things, some leaders are bad about having conversations and documenting things. But you have to be put on a CA before they can 'just fire' you and you would know if you are on a CA because you have to go into workday and manually accept that you had that conversation. You can't see your own conversations (you can only see your own TMs who are in your work center, only your ETL (and HR ETL) can see your conversations).

But to my original point, losing a TL hurts the store. That's 40+ hours of labor they are losing, plus losing an employee that can open, close, has keys, and is generally more 'valuable' (in the sense leaders are typically cross-trained and have a higher skill-set than TMs though I'm fully aware that's not always the case lol). It can be difficult to find someone to fill the role of TL (my store has had many periods of months at a time of being down TLs) so even if you're shitty at your job they don't want to just lose that person without a really valid reason.

TLDR; unless you are causing significant loss to your store, you aren't going to be randomly fired. you're safe.


I highly recommend you talk to your ETL, or even your SD about your performance! Ask for additional training and tips on how to improve your leadership skills! they love to see the interest and initiative plus the desire and will to be better! you can even ask for explicitly what to tell your team to push them harder/work faster. it's okay to (and encouraged!) to ask questions and you are free to stand up for yourself/your reasons for your actions/your behavior and to challenge your leaders if you disagree! You can ask about which of your conversations have been documented too.

As most things in the world, communication is key. talking will improve your relationship with your leader, improve your own skills, and show them you care and want to keep your job and get better. if you silently take their feedback (not saying if you are doing that or not, idk) and they arent seeing improvement, they will likely just assume you don't care and that's when they will get frustrated and try to performance you out. it probably doesn't seem fair or sensible but that's just usually how things are.

best of luck to you! things like this are scary but I believe in you! 😁🫡💪
