Charging $10 to get my W2s mailed to me?

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The $10 charge is for asking for a 2nd one. Your W2 was either available in HR to pickup (by a deadline) or it would've been mailed to the address that Target has on file either by your HR or (if no longer employed) Target.

If you are still employed by Target, then make sure you're signing in to Workday, choose view all apps and then paperless employee. Once you log in with your username and password, you'll see "If you want to access your W-2 or 1095, please CLICK HERE". When you're on that screen you should be able to click "Download PDF". If the download link isn't available, then verify the address your W2 would've been sent to in account settings.
The $10 charge is for asking for a 2nd one. Your W2 was either available in HR to pickup (by a deadline) or it would've been mailed to the address that Target has on file either by your HR or (if no longer employed) Target.

If you are still employed by Target, then make sure you're signing in to Workday, choose view all apps and then paperless employee. Once you log in with your username and password, you'll see "If you want to access your W-2 or 1095, please CLICK HERE". When you're on that screen you should be able to click "Download PDF". If the download link isn't available, then verify the address your W2 would've been sent to in account settings.
PDF is too small t attch to the return paperwork.
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