Archived Checking your attendance record?

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Narwhals Are Awesome
Aug 22, 2016
Is there a way to go into eHR and check one's attendance record? I tend to keep track by using the call log on my phone and though I'm not calling out a lot, I have the ETL (or whatever we're calling them now? Is it still ETL?) over me telling me when I had to call out today that we'd be having a talk about my attendance record.

I'm really confused, because I'm not calling out a lot. Are they factoring in the days I've had to request of for various doctor's appointments into it for this past month/July?
You can ask your ETL or HR to print you a copy of your attendance details report. Are you late a lot? Some stores are talking to team members at the first attendance issue, so maybe your store is getting stricter.
On average, I'm actually thirty minutes early since I carpool and clock in anywhere between five minutes til shift start to a couple minutes after shift start (like xx:01, never over the five minute leeway; depending on payroll and the ETL, sometimes they let me clock in when I arrive) and when I clock out its either a couple minutes before shift end to a couple minutes or even five minutes over (depending on if I'm completing a task or need to meet my ride)

I tend to come in when they ask and cover other shifts more often than not. Well, except when they try to call me in when it conflicts with my availability...
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