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Depends on your availabity & Dept. Those other tm's may have limited availabity. You are lucky to get 35 hours in January. Wait & watch, the hours will be reduced soon.
Schedules are based on sales, projections & usually done 2 weeks in advance.
During the holidays, that was my situation. But now that I got promoted to a specialized position, I pretty much tell my ETL-HR when I want to work and she does it right in front of me. It probably helps that we have a great relationship.
For cashiers, you have to hit a certain amount of coverage which is set by HQ. Shifts are generated(Automatically), and then the HR TM gets a listing of all TM's and their availability(Blocked out with a purple line through that time of day). The HRTM then needs to "tetris" in the shifts, making them fit with the TM's available and satisfying a coverage metric.

Hours allocation though is determined by HQ then by the ETL-HR/STL. The *amount* of hours is set by HQ(Can be slightly tweaked by the DTL, but rarely), and then the STL/ETL-HR can "put aside" hours for projects or other work centers. This has to be done before monday though...and then these hours typically come from cashiers or logistics. This is kinda a trick though to lower the cashier coverage metric so that you can schedule a few less cashiers to get more people on the floor.


You're allocated 1000 hours for the week.

Cashiers get 500, Logistics get 400, Salesfloor gets 100.

You *HAVE* to use those 500 hours for cashiers, or you get dinged for schedule effectiveness.

But then the STL can "put aside" 200 hours because they know they need to recover on the floor or for some other reason. Allocation is STILL 1000, but your spread is....

Cashiers 350, logistics 350, salesfloor 100, "extra(usually gets dumped into a dummy workcenter like training or the like)" 200.

So in week where the STL/ETL-HR forgets to put aside hours, or they don't because they don't need it, it could be your work center just has more hours, so you get maxed out. Then again, it could be a slow week and your work center gets minimal hours.

I've never really seen "performance" be a factor in how many hours a person gets. Its more about availability. And randomness. And hours allocation. You might get more hours because you happen to be the only person available at a certain time. Or because your work center has more hours.

Every other work center is different though. There is no "coverage" metric that has to be hit. Shifts are still generated, but the HRTM can use them or not.
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