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AP has contention when it's a store with a single TPS.
"We want you to make 20 Recoveries and 15 Known Theft Reports this month. Oh, you also need to zone, research, and merch protect one Top Shortage area per night. Don't forget that you need to be spending at least a quarter of your shift at the doors. Oh, and you can't spend more than an hour in the AP office per shift, no matter how many cases you have or how many things you have to review from the PIT Log. And why aren't the small appliances spider-wrapped? We know it's supposed to be flow team that merch-protects while pushing, but we're blaming you if someone walks out with something that wasn't spider-wrapped correctly."
I think it's a bit silly that the backroom closer is expected to come clean with 20 vehicles on the back of the line, 10 racks of backstock in the coolers, 2 hours of price change, at least 3 flexible fulfillment orders per hour, constant requests to bring flexible fulfillment items to the front for guest pick up, and endless guest pulls. But for all I know, maybe a hardlines team member is expected to push 20 cafs and 10 carts of reshop and zone the entire store all while helping customers and answering phones in a 4 hour shift without a mydevice.

EDIT: How could I forget about setting the line? The best part of the night!

So tell me about the ridiculous expectations you face every day and explain why they're impossible.

Pfresh easily....Considering the cleaning routines are part of our workload....we dont even get to those or even finish the zone most days

At my store McClane Candy is pushed onto us most weeks. Usually at least a full flatbed of boxes. 2 of the 3 C&S trucks we have to help out on...or at the very least push out the Meat and Bakery part of it. Also have to receive in the C&S truck and Sundays blow because we have no receiver to help out.

We have to do Dry Market Reshop. Have to push AND backstock the morning autofills and the afternoon CAFS. Fill milk/eggs/bananas/ice.

Zone ALL of Market which includes All Coolers/Freezers and about 20 aisles of dry which contain 8 four foot sections each unlike most of the store which is only 6 four foot sections in each aisle.

Constantly having to talk to Vendors about what is coming up, how low/high they are on instocks, flexing issues, signing issues, outdates....all fun times...oh and Vendor Survey

M-F we have to do 4x4 working huddle from 8-9. Its nice when we go through and touch up Market but the other days suck because its basically huddle, break, and then lunch 40ish minutes later at the 4 to 4 1/2 hour mark.

Also normal SF TM tasks apply such as answering phones, grabbing carts, back up cashiering, covering electronics breaks and lunches(not very often but occasionaly on both of those)

During my opening shift half the time whoever is LOD has some project for me to do like...oh hey zone all the endcaps as soon as you can or get out this LaCroix water we have 2 pallets of that you have to demerch a bulk end for. Or do these couple pogs which my opener had to do yesteday. Or we had some superbowl shippers with candy that didnt get pulled at all when they should have so we had to flex them out, as if anyone wants them now even though im pretty sure POG or someone should of set it up to begin with.

Doesnt help that our schedule is 6-2:30 opener and 2:30-7 closer. If you take breaks and lucnhes out of that it is only about 80 hours a week. That is WAY lower than market needs. Next 2 weeks our schedule is even worse....66 hours next week...and possibly 52? maybe the next week if they decide to cut it down even further....our hours are terrible on the schedule that is being made I just dont know if they are cutting market further to have like 4 hour open 4 hour close in market or something

Right now though EVERY workcenter has the most workload because hours are total shit. Our actually scheduled Salesfloor for the whole day was 2 TMS from under hardlines and one under softlines...ARE YOU #%%##% kidding me Target? After everyone leaves at 2:30 from the process teams it was literally.....2 cashiers, gstl, guest service, operator, electronics, market, backroom and the LOD from 2:30-6........WOW...that is some amazing coverage there during our BUSIEST time of the %#% day. I work both mornings and nights but anyone who just works in the morning who wants to bitch about things hasnt even experienced how even MORE BAD it is after they leave..they have no clue
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Pfresh easily....Considering the cleaning routines are part of our workload....we dont even get to those or even finish the zone most days

At my store McClane Candy is pushed onto us most weeks. Usually at least a full flatbed of boxes. 2 of the 3 C&S trucks we have to help out on...or at the very least push out the Meat and Bakery part of it. Also have to receive in the C&S truck and Sundays blow because we have no receiver to help out.

We have to do Dry Market Reshop. Have to push AND backstock the morning autofills and the afternoon CAFS. Fill milk/eggs/bananas/ice.

Zone ALL of Market which includes All Coolers/Freezers and about 20 aisles of dry which contain 8 four foot sections each unlike most of the store which is only 6 four foot sections in each aisle.

Constantly having to talk to Vendors about what is coming up, how low/high they are on instocks, flexing issues, signing issues, outdates....all fun times...oh and Vendor Survey

M-F we have to do 4x4 working huddle from 8-9. Its nice when we go through and touch up Market but the other days suck because its basically huddle, break, and then lunch 40ish minutes later at the 4 to 4 1/2 hour mark.

Also normal SF TM tasks apply such as answering phones, grabbing carts, back up cashiering, covering electronics breaks and lunches(not very often but occasionaly on both of those)

During my opening shift half the time whoever is LOD has some project for me to do like...oh hey zone all the endcaps as soon as you can or get out this LaCroix water we have 2 pallets of that you have to demerch a bulk end for. Or do these couple pogs which my opener had to do yesteday. Or we had some superbowl shippers with candy that didnt get pulled at all when they should have so we had to flex them out, as if anyone wants them now even though im pretty sure POG or someone should of set it up to begin with.

Doesnt help that our schedule is 6-2:30 opener and 2:30-7 closer. If you take breaks and lucnhes out of that it is only about 80 hours a week. That is WAY lower than market needs. Next 2 weeks our schedule is even worse....66 hours next week...and possibly 52? maybe the next week if they decide to cut it down even further....our hours are terrible on the schedule that is being made I just dont know if they are cutting market further to have like 4 hour open 4 hour close in market or something

Right now though EVERY workcenter has the most workload because hours are total shit. Our actually scheduled Salesfloor for the whole day was 2 TMS from under hardlines and one under softlines...ARE YOU #%%##% kidding me Target? After everyone leaves at 2:30 from the process teams it was literally.....2 cashiers, gstl, guest service, operator, electronics, market, backroom and the LOD from 2:30-6........WOW...that is some amazing coverage there during our BUSIEST time of the %#% day. I work both mornings and nights but anyone who just works in the morning who wants to bitch about things hasnt even experienced how even MORE BAD it is after they leave..they have no clue

You forgot doing sales planners, setting dairy endcaps, frozen endcaps and bunkers.
You forgot doing sales planners, setting dairy endcaps, frozen endcaps and bunkers.

Thankfully my Plano Team actually does most of that...there is no way in hell we would ever be able to do that on 80 hours a week max for way...unless we did like SDA, autofills and ONLY did Plano stuff for a whole week

I feel like my Plano team gets alot more hours than some peoples store here. Just yesterday on the schedule they easily had 7 or so maybe TMS working 6-2:30
Thankfully my Plano Team actually does most of that...there is no way in hell we would ever be able to do that on 80 hours a week max for way...unless we did like SDA, autofills and ONLY did Plano stuff for a whole week

I feel like my Plano team gets alot more hours than some peoples store here. Just yesterday on the schedule they easily had 7 or so maybe TMS working 6-2:30
At my store plano sets aisles, PAs set pfresh endcaps and bunker.
At my store plano sets aisles, PAs set pfresh endcaps and bunker.

Even when you guys have almost all the dry market endcaps changing, wine sidecap, wine on bakery table, bunker, front coolers and front freezers? How do you even get that done in a week when you have to do market

I mean you have to dmerch and work to home all product that is allready there....set it...and then pull and push product....and I guess backstock it too since BR wont do it unless it sits there for 3 days and then my BR TL or an ETL would find someone to BS it haha
Even when you guys have almost all the dry market endcaps changing, wine sidecap, wine on bakery table, bunker, front coolers and front freezers? How do you even get that done in a week when you have to do market
Dry market endcaps are done by my CTL, but we help him finish. We start the sets early, a week and half to 2 weeks in advance. My CTL likes to be "ahead of schedule". Bakery table is done by plano too.
Up until not so long ago I would have told you Perishables Assistant (Which includes running Ad-Set/Sales Planners/Vendors/Steritech) in my store.. Now I am Signing "specialist" and I would say PA and Signing Spec. Which is pretty much the PA of the Plano Team in my store.

The entire store, ALL work centers are now struggling with the cut in hours !!

4 TMs to push a 1300 piece FDC truck is unrealistic. Sales are going to fall in the pfresh areas until you give us back our hours !

Come on HR give us back the hours we need to do ours jobs the way that they are intended !!
Target is accountable to its shareholders. Massive losses in Canada, selling of pharmacy to try and cover the losses, minimum wage hike and golden parachutes causes negative externalities. Costco is kicking everyone's ass. Not to mention we are in a recession even though the president said anyone who thinks the American economy is in decline is pedaling fiction. Bullshit. Fiat currency has a 100% failure rate and guess what, the USD is fiat currency. This country has been bought and paid for long ago
AP has contention when it's a store with a single TPS.
"We want you to make 20 Recoveries and 15 Known Theft Reports this month. Oh, you also need to zone, research, and merch protect one Top Shortage area per night. Don't forget that you need to be spending at least a quarter of your shift at the doors. Oh, and you can't spend more than an hour in the AP office per shift, no matter how many cases you have or how many things you have to review from the PIT Log. And why aren't the small appliances spider-wrapped? We know it's supposed to be flow team that merch-protects while pushing, but we're blaming you if someone walks out with something that wasn't spider-wrapped correctly."

This. FUCKING THIS. Except at my store, they want you to spend 80-90% of your shift at the door.
When I was pulling pogs yesterday I noticed the yellow RFID stamp on the domestic boxes. Tracking chips on every product in target stores is finally being rolled out. Isn't that beautiful? I'll rip those chips off anything I buy and throw them in the trash cans at Walmart.
Everyone forgets about receiving...

I think that's why we are stuck in the back of the store, in a corner, furthest from the restroom to see how long we can fend for ourselves before we come out screaming!
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