Archived Confrontation, physical threats, he said she said BS

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Jul 21, 2015
So what is policy if you see or are made aware of two TMs involved in a verbal altercation that ended in a physical threat being said ?

In general what are you supposed to do with negative confrontations btwn TMs and just gossip as a TM and also as a leader ?
For threats of violence, go to HR, and let him take it from there. Target's zero tolerance policy includes verbal threats.

For destructive gossip or negative interactions, I guess it depends on your situation and comfort level. You could just tell the gossips to knock it off. If you don't want to do that, don't get sucked in, at any rate. Gossip can be detrimental to the team, and could turn into corrective action quickly. Leaders should step in right away.
I had this happen with two of my Market Tm’s; she came up telling me what said Tm told her, “Don’t tell me how to do my job, Dont make me go over there, get me started and I will hurt you.” She and I both explained this to our TL which ended in them receiving a six month CCA from our ETL HR
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