Guess it’s time to take my business to Ace Hardware. Not surprised that Ford is on the wrong list, considering their founder.
Yeah this is going to be so great. /s

I live in a town with a big christian university and I have a lot of LGBT+/POC coworkers.

I think I'll wear my target brand Pride shirt anyway.
I was reading some posts that boycotting Target would actually end up hurting a lot of the diverse/black owned businesses though since they are still prominently featured. So consider going there and still buying those specific things, but like maybe not Up&Up toilet Paper?
I was reading some posts that boycotting Target would actually end up hurting a lot of the diverse/black owned businesses though since they are still prominently featured. So consider going there and still buying those specific things, but like maybe not Up&Up toilet Paper?
They are still currently featured.

It will be even more telling if Target keeps diverse business at the forefront. As always ExpectMorePayLess
If you get a chance check out the federal memos about firing people responsible for certain things in all agencies.
They say DEIA.
The A is for accessibility, namely making buildings accessible for people with disabilities and helping managers create accommodations.
They are also getting rid of deaf interpreters.
So fuck these people.
Here s 2 news article

Activists held a press conference at Target headquarters in downtown Minneapolis Thursday morning.


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