Archived Demon from hell

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Feb 9, 2015
This is the reason my guest service went from so caring to I will ignore you lately.
I was in baby thats borderline shoes and intimates a while ago pushing. This devil and her apparent mother come over to me already looking sassy and priviledged. Basically they reminded me of tbe show mob wives. They were covered in furs which already made me not like them. Had on tons of gaudy jewlery, wreaked of too much perfume and caked on the makeup. One was probably 50s the other 30s. Needless to say weve reset shors and intimates but i didnt know, being I had just been on vacation for a few days. So these priviledged snobs come over flipping their nasty hair all over my floor and demand to know where slippers were as well as socks. I proceed to tell them socks are definitely on the back wall of intimates. However if the slippers are not in shoes then definitely go to intimates. The b**** decides to have the balls to ask me if I was sure. Like are you joking? So i said the last time I was here a week ago thats where they were. As shes walking away i see we moved the slippers and theyre hanging up. Mind you , easily where this self absorbed snob could see them herself. So I see her coming back and was about to apologize and tell her they moved them when she decides to call me useless, an idiot, a c**t, and to "learn mu fu***** job" at this point I was done. i told her i'Ve worked here a long timr and know my job but we recently obviously changed our sections. At this point she was a decent distance away. This psycho b**** charged at me. Charged. Ran in my face and starts screaming how dare i even speak to her when i hAve no rights she shops at macys and the employees would never speak to her shell go right to customer service and get my ass fired shell f***ing kick my ass right here and end me. The entire time shes an inch from my face and her mother is pulling her off. When thhis bitch is being pulled off i call hardlines four where noone answers. I end up immediately talking to ap who never finds them OF COURSE. I promised AP if i ever find them in my store I'm not only kicking their asses but calling the police and pressing charges. I have had it with this store babying people to this point. This is what happens now because we dont put them in their place.
Wow, sounds like you got one of the seriously crazy ones.
Sorry you had to deal with that.
Glad you could come here and get that off your chest.

Can I suggest that next time you break up the story a bit so it doesn't come off like a block of text?
It makes it a lot easier to read.
Also, you don't need to censor yourself - we are grownups here but I do suggest thinking about which words you want to use.

Don't let the job get to you.
Always remember, illegitimi non carborundum
Assholes like that have never worked a day in their life. Especially not retail. Don't let this affect how you interact with everyday guests, most of them are pretty nice. The rude ones or the ones who pretend you don't exist don't matter in the end.

Hopefully AP got a picture of this "lady" and her mother so they can be trespassed the next time they come in. This woman attempted battery on you.
As soon as that guest got in my face, I would have walked away. No STL, ETL or LOD worth their salt would expect a tm to put up with that. Not in my store nohow noway!
And this is exactly why it should be a life requirement to work at least one month in retail. Preferably during 4th quarter or BTS.

And I agree with commie, don't censor yourself. The point of this forum is that you can talk shit about Spot behind their back without censoring yourself, haha.
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Guys. Seriously I love you all. I appreciate it. You have no idea. And sadly no picture because of course in that specific area of the store the cameras arent facing it -_- fml
Guys. Seriously I love you all. I appreciate it. You have no idea. And sadly no picture because of course in that specific area of the store the cameras arent facing it -_- fml
Just hang in there. Most people are very nice, but when you do come across those privileged, high maintenance, bipolar guests, try to be as polite and kind as possible. That will make them look like an even bigger asshole.
It's too bad that your AP couldn't find them. I've been told by my STL and ETL-AP that if someone yells at one of my team members like that, I am allowed to kick them out of the store without LOD approval, and if someone lays a finger, or attempts to, I will immediately call our mall security, who are allowed to get physical with people.
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