Designated parking spaces

I have given plenty of dirty looks to people with “their” area. The DC has had to put up cones to keep them out of their areas including the pedestrian access to between the handicapped spaces. Friday they found a new unmarked area and almost completely blocked the exit.
We have the dolts that think they're SO clever parking in the striped "No Parking" spot among the drive-up spots.
Many of our drive-up guests never hesitate to point out their error 😉
We have the dolts that think they're SO clever parking in the striped "No Parking" spot among the drive-up spots.
Many of our drive-up guests never hesitate to point out their error 😉
don’t get me
started on the TM parking in the handicap spots🔥
this seems crazy for the parking lot. it would be much more likely to happen at my dc with break room seating.

i mean theres no way it's not first come first served for any parking spot, except the designated employee of the month etc ones.
We have the dolts that think they're SO clever parking in the striped "No Parking" spot among the drive-up spots.
Many of our drive-up guests never hesitate to point out their error 😉
Had a guest at my store park in drive up and go inside to shop. Another guest saw this happen and put a nasty sticky note on her car. When the guest came out of the store a saw the note she blamed the drive up team. SD had to watch the camera to prove it wasn’t drive up. Turns out guest did have a drive up but, had to go inside to do a return first. I had to bring out her order fun stuff. We laugh now but, wasn’t funny at the time.

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