Archived did not show up to business college

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Did you at least call...? I mean it I'm sure it's pretty obvious that it's not a good leadership characteristic not to show up for work... the thing is that you were hired.. it's not like you missed an interview so they probably did record that.. unless you have a real good excuse (but then again it's been 2 years). I guess you should ask yourself why you would want to re apply for job that you did not show up for the first time. It's likely that the reason that you didn't show up the first time will resurface again... I hope I don't sound mean I'm just saying that if it were me, I would personally reevaluate why I would reapply.
No, I don't think you'll get the job & yes, they're likely lurking on here.
Your only chance is if they have a short memory & the recruiters are different.
Put yourself in their spend thousands of dollars in payroll to find, interview, background check, and drug test a MANAGEMENT candidate only to have them not show up or call the first day of TRAINING. Would you really give this person a second chance?
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