Archived Discontinued items...

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Jul 3, 2013
Can someone tell me how to pull up the report on discontinued items please? Thank u.

Also, when pulling a batch from the backroom I would scan each item/box in a location but the item on the PDA is nowhere to be found. There is no skip option. It's either a "move" or "exit" option. If I exit, I can't get to the rest of the items. If I choose move, it will tell me that it will delete all unscanned items. Does that mean the items that are left in the batch or the ones that I couldn't find? I chose move once and check the rest of the items in the location and they're all still there. What should I do in this situation?
Can someone tell me how to pull up the report on discontinued items please? Thank u.

Also, when pulling a batch from the backroom I would scan each item/box in a location but the item on the PDA is nowhere to be found. There is no skip option. It's either a "move" or "exit" option. If I exit, I can't get to the rest of the items. If I choose move, it will tell me that it will delete all unscanned items. Does that mean the items that are left in the batch or the ones that I couldn't find? I chose move once and check the rest of the items in the location and they're all still there. What should I do in this situation?
If I recall correctly, it is in the Store Applications application. I think it is called Backroom Detail Report, or Backroom Location Report.

If you are working a batch, scan all of the items on the shelf and the right item isn't found, when you choose "move" it will delete all unscanned DPCIs from that one location only.
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Backroom quantity report does it too. Spot changed the name not on salesfloor report or something like that.
When pulling a batch, scan all items first. Then hit move to remove items from that location. Sounds like ghosts or baffles are present n that location.

But, before you do the move option, just ask a backroom person how to solve the issue & get a refresher on pulling items in a batch. Doing the move function impacts the backroom score, some store want to a 100% score.

Another way to do discontinued items like video games, my device in one hand & pda in the other hand.
When you move just make sure you scan everything in the location. You are telling the system what is actually there and the system will delete what is listed but not physically in that location. Doing a move will allow you to continue in your batch. It's something you better right about when you do it.
Can someone tell me what this "discontinued soon" nonsense is and what it means for Instocks tms? We can't get a straight answer and our STL seems to think that it means the same as "discontinued" and is purging and flexing like tomorrow is the last day.
Can someone tell me what this "discontinued soon" nonsense is and what it means for Instocks tms? We can't get a straight answer and our STL seems to think that it means the same as "discontinued" and is purging and flexing like tomorrow is the last day.

Your STL is wrong. It means exactly what it says, soon. and some stuff has taken weeks. And all our décor comes in soon has been soon for weeks. Like it is seasonal so December it will finally go.
My understanding is that the "Discontinued Soon" status is similar to "Active-NCF." If you wanted to fill an MPG aisle and have sold through your discontinued product, you could purge that product because it isn't carry-forward.

@Shirohime, it sounds like you ran into a ghost. If you exit the batch, you can go back into it and skip the location if it's not the last one (you might have the ghost product in another location).
When you move just make sure you scan everything in the location. You are telling the system what is actually there and the system will delete what is listed but not physically in that location. Doing a move will allow you to continue in your batch. It's something you better right about when you do it.

Thank you! That makes better understand the process and what each step does. I would try to scan each item before giving up on the batch. But now I know I won't be creating "baffles" (right?). Btw, I am a SFTM who creates and pull her own batches bec I know BR has enough on their plate so thank you. I don't want to create more work for them by making mistakes.

My understanding is that the "Discontinued Soon" status is similar to "Active-NCF." If you wanted to fill an MPG aisle and have sold through your discontinued product, you could purge that product because it isn't carry-forward.

@Shirohime, it sounds like you ran into a ghost. If you exit the batch, you can go back into it and skip the location if it's not the last one (you might have the ghost product in another location).

Thank you. I think I have exited before and was stll given the "move" option but I will try again. Thank you.

Thanks everyone! I learn a lot from everyone here and I am thankful for every info I have learned.
Hah. I do ask questions a lot. It's how I learned on how to take care of dry market. I ask other TMs on how to do certain stuff when I need to do it just then. But there are just some stuff that I think of when I am off work. It's stuff I don't think much of when I am at work.

For example, the other day I asked my TL what is "burning a batch" means and she told me. It's just the other stuff that I think of when I am off work. I am just too curious. Anyway, My TL has been meaning to teach me on how to do this discontinued items but it's always busy in market and she spends most of her time helping pfresh. I have been meaning to ask other tms about this but I kept forgetting when I try to keep market in stock on the floor, do 4x4, process my defects and try to fix and keep my area clean. I have been in the dept (on the sales floor) since Aug and I know I still have a lot to learn.
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It's not your mistake, when you find a ghost. It is what it is. I tend to mention it to backroom, if I find more than one ghost in three batches, cause our guys are pretty good.
It's is a good idea to get back room certified. It looks good on your training meter with spot. It shows that you have trained in multi areas on the computer & distinct looks at for TL development.
Does anyone ask questions at work anymore??

Sure, but everyone treats information like heavily guarded secrets. One of my biggest gripes with TLs and above is their inability to keep TMs informed about changes/plans/how to handle recurring situations. Want me to be an effective TM? Don't just tell me to do stuff. Keep me in the loop on WHY we are doing things differently, and how it is an improvement on the way we've been doing things.
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