Archived Does working full time at Target means working 39 hours?

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Aug 23, 2014
I'm gettibg full time finally; however, I hardly reach my 40 hours. My ETL and TL always ask me to leave around 39 or barely reaching 39 hours. Only one time i really reached 40.
32 sounds right. Honestly, I don't like being scheduled for exactly 40 because then they hound you about the several minutes of overtime you get because even trying to head to the time clock 5 minutes early I always get stopped by an angry guest that needs 10 things.
It sounds like they're just taking extra precaution by having you have buffer time just in case you get that one scenario where you're stuck doing something till the last second. I generally try to leave at 39 hours myself just in case. Plus it's nice to leave an hour early on my fifth day.
So it's pretty common this? I mean not reaching 40 hours all the time?
It's pretty common at my store at least, they hound anyone getting close to 40 hours to go clock out ASAP over the walkie.
Just for laughs...

When I was a salaried mgr @ MickyDees. I had to pay for any crewmember who hit OT on my shift.

Probably not legal, but this was 25 years ago...
Just for laughs...

When I was a salaried mgr @ MickyDees. I had to pay for any crewmember who hit OT on my shift.

Probably not legal, but this was 25 years ago...
The way I understand it (may be different from exempt vs non-exempt and salaried vs hourly) an employer can make deductions from your pay for things you do on the job only up to the point you are being paid minimum wage for that pay period. So if your drawer is short $40 (assuming they can prove it was your fault), and you worked 40 hours in that pay period, being paid $8.50/hour, they would be able to dock UP TO 40*.50=20 dollars (assuming minimum wage is $8 like it is in my state). Anything more and you would be paid less than minimum wage, which is illegal.

So, if you were to calculate your hours working at McDicks, then calculate the difference between what you're being paid and what you would be paid at minimum wage, you would see how much the company can legally dock from your wages for employees that go into overtime.

Anyone, please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong on this.
Anyone have that one conspiracy theorist TM who always assume things about the spot? I do and she never stops blabbering!

She basically told me the reason Target doesn't always let you reach that exact 40 (consecutively) is because you'd be eligible for benefits and they don't want that happening.
Yeah, except she's an idiot because you are eligible for benefits once you average hits 32 (I think 30 now, or 31.5) and you've been with the company for 1000 hours or 6 months, whichever happens later. Most don't work exactly 40 because it would be extremely hard to clock exactly 40. Stores don't want overtime, so 39.5 it is. No conspiracy there.
Yeah, except she's an idiot because you are eligible for benefits once you average hits 32 (I think 30 now, or 31.5) and you've been with the company for 1000 hours or 6 months, whichever happens later. Most don't work exactly 40 because it would be extremely hard to clock exactly 40. Stores don't want overtime, so 39.5 it is. No conspiracy there.

It is not hard to clock a 40hr week I did it in an office job for years. But having to deal with other people is what made it difficult, that and spot refuses to actually staff its stores. is not an office job. When yore staying late closing, getting caught with guests on your way to the clock, etc it's kind of tough to get exactly 40. You can get really close, but you have to be on everything to the second to get exactly 40 without hitting OT.
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