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Sep 25, 2012
I've been putting up with too much at target the past year with management and favoritism that I want to just walk out. I don't have plans of ever working for target again. I'm already on a final so I don't have nothing to lose,but if I just walk out will I still get paid my unused vacation and sick time along with my last check
As much as you would love to just walk out I suggest you don't do that. Even if you NEVER work for Target again it could still haunt you on your work record. Just suck it up for 2 weeks, put in your time and walk out with your head held high. If you do walk out they have to pay you for time worked but I don't think you will get any unused vacation, but I'm not sure about that. Keep us up to date and good luck in your next job.
i've never heard of job abandonment showing up on background checks. i used the same system as target at my previous employer. it was more felony/credit based. news to me.
since a lot of states are "right to work" states with the "employment at will" doctrine, an employer can fire you at any time, and you can quit an any time with no penalty. you can still draw unemployment as well if you quit for good reasons. In most states, there's not any job abandonment guidelines. It's strictly based on company policy. in reality, not giving a notice just really screws the people you work with day to day.
target pays vacay, but not personal hours out on your last check. however, hr can back key the ph time so you can still get it if needed.
While I would still give it, the two week notice idea is becoming outdated. Any business can survive without a peon easier than a peon can survive the sudden loss of a paycheck. If they don't need to give us notice, then why are we using some sort of model that requires us to give them notice?
God,if I had money for everytime someone said to me they would never work for Target again and left without working out their notice,and then sometimes within weeks arrived back begging to be rehired.Anyway as you are on a final I do not think it matters,it just makes it easier for them to click that "non rehirable"box.Good luck with whatever you decide.
Here in California if you quit you get all unused vacation, personal holiday and sick time.
I've been putting up with too much at target the past year with management and favoritism that I want to just walk out. I don't have plans of ever working for target again. I'm already on a final so I don't have nothing to lose,but if I just walk out will I still get paid my unused vacation and sick time along with my last check

Walk the hell out. I left on good terms. I gave years of my life to Target. I was promoted from TM to Spec to TL. Basically, I was a top performer that they obviously knew was a contributor to the company. Now that I am in a rough time and need a job again I can't even get an interview at Target. Don't show loyalty to them because I promise you they won't show it back in return.
While I would still give it, the two week notice idea is becoming outdated. Any business can survive without a peon easier than a peon can survive the sudden loss of a paycheck. If they don't need to give us notice, then why are we using some sort of model that requires us to give them notice?

You are more important to them than you realize. You might be a "peon", but unless you go out of your way to hurt the company while at work you still make a difference.

Trust me, it hurts a company when they lose someone. Even just a few "levels" up such as spec/TL can be a major blow. When I lost one of my entertainment specs years ago, it took literally about 8 months until we had someone of comparable quality.
I'm a cashier/guest service/hardlines/potential GSA at minimum wage. If I leave, Spot will go on and it will be another performer or not.
I'm a cashier/guest service/hardlines/potential GSA at minimum wage. If I leave, Spot will go on and it will be another performer or not.

Obviously this is true. The point is, they want to continue store operations with as little interruption as possible. Let's say you - the GSA - suddenly walked out in the middle of your shift one day. The front lanes would struggle at least somewhat. They would have to take time to schedule other people, which would in turn piss those people off. More than likely, they won't be able to cover 100% of your shifts because they didn't expect you to walk out, which creates at least a few days of head ache for them.

Now, are you going to impact anything outside your workcenter? Probably not. The fact is, you still cost them money, time, and frustration in some small amount. This is where you see how greedy corporations are. They don't even want to suffer that tiny little .01% bit. That's why they create a penalty if you walk out on them. At Target, that means being banned for life from ever working there again and possibly bad references to future employers.

Now - answer me this - if you TRULY could walk out without causing any problem to them what-so-ever, then why would they intentionally create deterrents (black listed for life, bad references, etc.) to discourage people from doing that? The answer is - they wouldn't do that if it truly caused them no problems at all. You may be a peon, but you still have at least some impact. That's why they make sure to "punish" you by blacklisting you if you do it. If you truly didn't cause them any trouble, then why blacklist you?

Now let's look at how unbalanced all of this is. You walk out without notice one day. You cause them a minor .01% problem in the company. What happens? Banned for life and possibly get a bad reference hurting future employment.

On the other side of the coin, what happens if you walk in one day and with no notice they tell you that you are fired? Not a damn thing happens to them. To you? Your life can be potentially screwed. Your kids might not eat, you might go homeless. In other words, they can screw up 100% of your life with no consequences to them. You walk out on them without notice, though causing them minor .01% problems? They make sure to punish you in the last ways they can.

That is how screwed up and unbalanced corporate america is today.
Yep...and that's why I said what I said about the two week notice going by the wayside in some circles. Why should the little person constantly have to cater to the big company, when the company isn't going to do anything for you. Now, I'm not saying don't give two weeks' notice...but I'm starting to see an argument for not doing so in this sort of work.
we had a tm leave without notice and talking smack about a wonderful new degree related job. she got fired from new job. she became friends with our new stl outside of work. then she was hired. promoted from tm--tl within a month, srtl within 3, and was promoted to etlhr within 1 year. so its not if you give notice, when you give notice. like everything else around here, it's whose ass you kiss and what flavor lip gloss you wear when you do it. every single rule target has is breakable depending on whom it benefits.
we had a tm leave without notice and talking smack about a wonderful new degree related job. she got fired from new job. she became friends with our new stl outside of work. then she was hired. promoted from tm--tl within a month, srtl within 3, and was promoted to etlhr within 1 year. so its not if you give notice, when you give notice. like everything else around here, it's whose ass you kiss and what flavor lip gloss you wear when you do it. every single rule target has is breakable depending on whom it benefits.

Politics are at work! Avoid them, IMO!
There are always exceptions,and yes it does hurt the company to loose good people and it has to be hurting a great deal,but there are also many who leave and the stores are a better place because they are no longer there,I always believe that doing the right thing is best.
I dont agreed with Gregg, every time. Sometimes, bad decisions happen. It makes me sad compared to the old days.
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