Electronics Returns question

Always check inside it if it’s opened. Takes 20 seconds to open the box and check the items inside. I catch like one person every 3 weeks trying to return the wrong item in the box. Everything looked good but the serial numbers didn’t match.
Depends on other factors like the receipt info, behavior of the guest, stuff like that. I have been fooled for serious $ by a shrink wrap scam fwiw. I make sure to have a conversation with the guest to help feel out the situation. I'm never comfortable taking back something like AirPods or Beats that are in the $200 range without opening them, but it could sometimes be justifiable imo. Of course expensive stuff has to be opened.

The deterrent has to be strong, unfortunately. It can't just be a calculation of average loss of value from CRCing versus average loss from scams because scammers will go harder when you go softer. It's game theory-levels of complicated to determine what the best strategy is to minimize losses in these situations, so my gut instinct and opinion is not good enough to solve the problem.
Apple or other pricey items always. It’s easy to reshrink wrap something.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't Apple and Beats returns automatically go CRC even if nothing is wrong with them? So opening the box to make sure the item is in fact in there, doesn't prevent it from being sold, cause it wasn't going to be in the first place.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't Apple and Beats returns automatically go CRC even if nothing is wrong with them? So opening the box to make sure the item is in fact in there, doesn't prevent it from being sold, cause it wasn't going to be in the first place.

No they don't, but when Apple goes to crc we get the full amount there, so there is no harm in sending it back. I don't think anyone on the street can shrinkwrap as good as Apple

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