Archived Exit interview

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Aug 13, 2014
I have the fortune to be leaving Target in the next month or so - for a much better sounding supervisor job with better pay and hours. My question is simple: do I get an exit interview? I have so much to get off my chest and would love to be able to be honest with them in my final "sit down" with the company.
Depends on your position and your HR/STL/DTL.

My STL generally just gives TMs leaving for a new job a, "don't let the door hit you" speech and maybe a chance to air grievances. Veteran TLs get a kind of exit interview from what I've seen. ETL and up always gets one, I think.

Not 100% positive though on any of that info.
I'm curious about that as well. I remember when in orientation they told us they always did exit interviews with all team members. We got a speech from the STL about how we should to come to them with any problems long before it got to that point. It was The open door policy speech I think.
In my case, its a matter of me holding back on the honesty because the honesty would get me fired. For example, how much I hate redcards. Now that I don't need or want the job anymore, I can voice everything as honestly as I want without fear of retaliation. I've felt like this for a while, but I wasn't about to endanger my job to voice an opinion as obvious as "everyone hates redcards."
I suspect you aren't going to tell them anything they don't already know. I know my ETLs hate REDcards as much as we do...but since it comes from above, and their jobs are on the line for it as well, it simply isn't going to change...even with people grousing.
I was just given a form of exiting questions. Why I was leaving, was there anything to change my mind, was there negative comments about my Target experience, would I recommend Target to anyone else
IMO, not that Spot wants it shouldn't matter if you were a TL, Tm, etl. Everyone, should be allowed to have their say and voice their concern. If you are leaving you can be completely honest and not worry about them coming after spot might would get some useful help make things better. I do know that we had Tl turn in his two week notice...the STL asked to speak to him about it ....from what I understand it got heated...and the Stl didn't like the honest feedback...and told the Tl not to worry about working his two week notice and to leave right then.
I do know that we had Tl turn in his two week notice...the STL asked to speak to him about it ....from what I understand it got heated...and the Stl didn't like the honest feedback...and told the Tl not to worry about working his two week notice and to leave right then.
Truth hurts....
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