Archived FDC is a failure

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Is FDC a failure?

  • Yes

    Votes: 13 59.1%
  • No

    Votes: 3 13.6%
  • The Money Pit

    Votes: 6 27.3%

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If you mean food vis a vie Super and Pfresh, has issues. Colossal failure, no.

TGT's "food" strategy is hugely flawed. TOO MUCH emphasis on "fads" ie: organic, yogurts, kafir, bolthouse drinks. FOCUS on the BASICS.

If you mean the FDC's them selves, well I would put them right up there with the DC's in being total unmitigated idiots.
I totally agree on the "fads". If Target wants to sell groceries, then sell groceries. I have watched as those basics slowly disappear from the shelves. Don't dictate what consumers "should" eat by what you sell and stop continually changing it. It's getting old trying to explain to the guest that "always bought it here before" that they can still be loyal guests even though we don't carry what they want anymore. I find it interesting that there is a very limited supply of sugar free or low sugar items but you are bombarded by gluten free at every turn. (Don't get me started on the cafe choices!). I've heard the same "choice" complaints with our choices of laundry and dish soaps as well. There is probably a fine line, but it feels like we either don't know our identity or are not marketing it correctly.
I totally agree on the "fads". If Target wants to sell groceries, then sell groceries.

And they need to understand that if you are selling groceries you need to have a COMPLETE selection.

PFresh needs to be retooled into "MegaTarget" tm, copyright, mine, mine mine, neener neener! 🙂 😉 Why? As soon as you have food the guest will take it you are a "SUPER" store. As their brain as been indoctrinated to this by the store that shall not be named!

In that we have 100% of every SKU/DPCI that is available for DRY DC and FDC.Period. For bakery, I've already outlined that select "supers" will become "central bakery" centers to provide the various FRESH BREADS, cakes, donuts, muffins, bagels, etc... I don't know if the deal with Einstein bagels is still in play, but BRING THEM! YUMMO! 🙂 Same can be said for deli, ie: pre made hoagies similar to the AF Italian etc... There were gas stations in my area that had these most AWESOME premade hoagies... that were shipped in from a central spot in the city... OOOMMMMMGGGGGGG! Chix cranberry, BLECH! Avacdao! BLECH! I have to poke it out of the sushi I get at places... BLECH! The delis at selected supers can become sandwich making stores for part of their district... See that? BAM! HOURS! BAM JOBS! BAM!

How many stores have WASTED former garden center space that could be enclosed or is enclosed and turned into Market space?

I have watched as those basics slowly disappear from the shelves.

Yeppers, I watched as 60% of my canned veggies and fruit were stripped away to make room for this &*&^%$%^$^% apple sauce things! 😡 Which if I and my PA's, and market TM(s) find one more empty one of them stuffed on a shelf and an open box... 😡 Well not really make room, they took probably 50 ft of shelf in total and the shelfs sit lower... it makes the aisle look empty!

Don't dictate what consumers "should" eat by what you sell

This 10000000000000000000x over! I don't eat healthy whacko tree hugger food! I eat to fulfill my need to eat. I eat what I like, how much I want, when I want! I'd like to take those choose well strips and signs and use them to show some people MY CHOICE! 🙂

and stop continually changing it.

See above. 100% carriage of all SKU/DPCI at ALL TARGETS, Period. This makes up the 80% of consumables, see below....

It's getting old trying to explain to the guest that "always bought it here before" that they can still be loyal guests even though we don't carry what they want anymore.

Same here! This KILLS SALES in my store, not only Pfresh, but other areas. But ESPECIALLY in Pfresh Market. As soon as we quit carrying a majority of what guest x needs. They will go back to the regional chain or the store that shall not be named! 😉 They might pick up something if they came for leggings or something else on sale that trip... but I've had tons of stuff just dumped into bunkers, shelves and they walk away because of item y no longer carried. Same with full carts of groceries... and they WON'T BE BACK for food, ever. They might come for clothes or something, maybe, if they call ahead and we put it on hold. More likely they just now shop

I find it interesting that there is a very limited supply of sugar free or low sugar items but you are bombarded by gluten free at every turn.

Those who have a LEGIT med issue for some of this stuff, fine, but that is FAR and FEW. And honestly if you have major food allergies/conditions then you likely need to be shopping elsewhere anyway. And NOT TGT, regional chains, and the store that shall not be named!

I DESPISE, ABSOLUTELY, DESPISTE and HATE those *&^%^%#%^#$ labels on food! Nannyment in its purest form! 😡 Can not stand those things. In 2016 all that stuff needs to be online. I have no idea what chemical makes mac n cheese that orange color. More importantly I DO NOT CARE! 🙂 Those who have medical issues will need to go online and research this stuff BEFORE HAND. The majority doesn't have these medical issues, so companies should not be forced to waste $$$ this overly nannyment packaging for this... This country got along with out all those labels for decades before them, we can get along with out them again!

gluten free... it is the current rage fad by 99.99999% of persons who like me don't even know what gluten is, but more importantly don't need to know or care! Have you been diagnosed with a medical condition that requires this? For 99.99999% NO they have not! It is just like vegan, veggietarin, fruitarian and all the other cult hippie dippie stuff...F-A-D! Humans eat meat!!!! 🙂


(Don't get me started on the cafe choices!).

Yeah... I could rant on that.. but so long as they leave the pizza (not PH), hot dogs and the cinnimamononmmono pretzels, I am good for the times I go... thankfully we have a good burger joint (NOT mcsloppers! BLECH!) and the regional chain in the next plaza makes hoagies and has pre made hoagies too that you can quickly grab.

The thread on the pilot of other cafe setups worries me... A LOT.. as it too is following the FADS.

There is probably a fine line, but it feels like we either don't know our identity or are not marketing it correctly.

We need to COVER THE BASICS 100%, THEN offer SOME of the faddy stuff, ie: nutarian, vegan, gluten free etc... AS WELL as towards the "Tarjay" side of the UPPER END of food ie: Lamb, Veal, Bison, PRIME CUTS! Angus, Weygu (US Kobe!) 80% should be the CORE BASICS, the remaining 20% can be divided up on the HIGHER END BASISC, and the lower vego hippie organic nonsense fads.

Quit testing things in MN!!! Come out to the REAL WORLD! I will gladly take you to Krogers, Giant Eagle, Foodland, Shop n Save, Wegmans and show you what we need to have! Each has ares they deal with very well. Yes, Wegmans is on the UBER HIGH END. Sadly the really good example of in between a grocery store, and Wegmans doesn't exist any more. This is the VOID TGT needs to be, well, Target'ng! 😉 🙂
Not a huge failure. The failure lies in the supply chain. Mostly the lack of securing inventory(looking at you, organics) and obvious over purchases causing losses in stores.
Not a huge failure. The failure lies in the supply chain. Mostly the lack of securing inventory(looking at you, organics) and obvious over purchases causing losses in stores.

Target having its own distribution centers for fresh groceries is actually not a bad idea. The problem is Target doesn't put the money time and energy into making sure that the FDCs operate at 100%, let alone streamlining the process. If you're going to be in the grocery business, you have to commit to it. Make sure your equipment works properly. Make sure you're sufficiently replenishing the essentials. Work out all the logistical issues. And above all else, FOOD SAFETY. If there's raw meat on a pallet, there should only be raw meat on that pallet. Then, once you have those things down, you can get in on the fads.

If you're sending boxes and boxes of eggs and yogurt that will never sell before they expire, your bananas are all gray, you don't have any baby carrots to send, your label printers won't print properly because the company is too cheap to spend payroll on someone to maintain them, and your pallets would make Steritech's blood boil, then maybe you should hold off on those weird chia seed drinks that nobody at my store ever buys.
I could deal with those problems so long as the quantities were sane and reliable.
Quit testing things in MN!!! Come out to the REAL WORLD! I will gladly take you to Krogers, Giant Eagle, Foodland, Shop n Save, Wegmans and show you what we need to have! Each has ares they deal with very well. Yes, Wegmans is on the UBER HIGH END. Sadly the really good example of in between a grocery store, and Wegmans doesn't exist any more. This is the VOID TGT needs to be, well, Target'ng! 😉 🙂

I hate to break it to you, but Minnesota is in fact the real world. It is the rest of you that are wrong.
I am referring to dairy, meat, and produce when I say FDC is a failure but you can make the argument for groceries in general at Target. They're definitely managed and maintained properly. Having an FDC truck come every other day no matter what is best practice? How are you going to manage and maintain all that product with a skeleton crew and with managers that are more concerned with their incentives attached to cutting payroll than actually making sure that FDC isn't an epic fail?

At my turd store, the dairy cooler is a lost cause. The meat cooler and freezer are decent and not even close to being the epic fail that is the dairy cooler. Overkill on too much product in the dairy cooler. The STO backstocking problem is one of biggest contributors to the fail. But you can't blame it on all that especially when you go out on the floor and look at the dairy section and see that there is no empty space for additional product.

Bottom line is that corporate and the lovely distribution centers are sending way too much product to the store. It's impossible to maintain and manage. The dairy cooler hasn't had everything backstocked since September when it was inventory time.

I definitely see the argument for the overkill on gluten free shit or the so-called healthy alternatives. Most people don't care. I also see how Target does think they know what's best for their customers. It's sad but Target has an image to maintain and that image is "we're not Wal-Mart, we're better".
I hate to break it to you, but Minnesota is in fact the real world. It is the rest of you that are wrong.

Anything inside about a 200 mile radius of HQ, is NOT the REAL WORLD. So quit testing things there just cause it easy for you wanks to go visit.

Oh, and you can skip any testing in nannyfornia too! Not even on the same planet.

Plus this cherry picking of stores for things. I can do that to. I can send you to test things in a store that is so upper upper middle class to skew results on things too! 🙂
I Qmos / toss all my yogurts and juice 2 weeks out now that we have way too much of this shit. Just Monday I went thru February 29th yes I just subt and donated it all 2 full red tubs of yogurt.
I really hate the half assed PFresh idea for grocery. People don't want to do their grocery shopping at a store where there's a good chance it won't have everything on their list.
I Qmos / toss all my yogurts and juice 2 weeks out now that we have way too much of this shit. Just Monday I went thru February 29th yes I just subt and donated it all 2 full red tubs of yogurt.
But won't they just send more to replace it?
Also, I have a confession: thanks to the super fucked up influx of product, I've given up qmosing for at least half the shit I throw away. Hate me.
Yes, but maybe they'll learn when you start burning enough cash.

No, they will just gripe about shrinkage and pretend that FIFOing is really going to prevent 30 cases of a single DPCI of yogurt from going out of date when the expiration date was less than 10 days after it originally showed up in the store.
Also, I have a confession: thanks to the super fucked up influx of product, I've given up qmosing for at least half the shit I throw away. Hate me.
you are my new friend what a great idea !!!
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