Archived Feed u.s.a.

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Dec 7, 2012
What are everyone's thoughts, feelings, and opinions about the new line of merchandise from Lauren Bush Lauren, "FEED"?

What are some of your guests' reactions?

How well ( or poorly ) has it been selling in your stores?

How do you all feel about the whole phenomena of wearing your philanthropy on your sleeves, literally?

FWIW, I have rather mixed feelings about charity through consumerism, but it does seem like a very, very good cause...

Someone actually gave me a couple of their tote bags ( "FEED bags"...I hope they weren't commenting on my table manners... ) several years ago when they were on sale at a grocery store...they're nice and sturdy, they look good, and have served me well....
I wish they would use the money used for FEED (the marketing, the signing, the product, etc.) to actually feed their team members. It's amazing how many people are on some form of public assistance/food stamps because Target can't pay a living wage.
I wish they would use the money used for FEED (the marketing, the signing, the product, etc.) to actually feed their team members. It's amazing how many people are on some form of public assistance/food stamps because Target can't pay a living wage.

Yeah...I gotta say that this is just one of the things that makes me a tad uneasy about a lot of these corporate chain store charity bonanzas...
If they truly wanted it for a good cause, they would donate ALL of the profit toward hunger and not some measly 10%. That being said I bought the playing cards and love the design.

Ah, ten percent, huh? No wonder on the website it shows all these products and gives you the ( supposed ) breakdown of how many meals you will be providing to families if you buy certain things ( e.g., one tank top equals twelve meals or some such thing )...sounds better that way...surprised it is so measly...I will have to do more research on this...

And I didn't even know they HAD playing cards! Good lord...When people roll out a brand these days they leave no stone unturned, do they?
I saw some of the ceramic cooking pans, and kinda liked them. Fairly sure there a replica of a Rachel Ray collection from not to long ago. At Final Clearance, Might grab a few.. 🙂
I have mixed feelings. I'll share my positive thoughts as the negative ones have already been shared. I think it's good that it's making people more aware that there are people in America that are in need. I also think sometimes a cute t-shirt or whatever might trick someone into being charitable. I thought the idea behind the original FEED bag was cool though. It was supposed to encourage being more environmentally-friendly while also funding some charitable endeavors. I'm not sure that this collaboration with Target is.

I haven't looked at any of the stuff up close so I'm not sure if they do this, but the tags should give the info on how to make straight donations to the foundation.
I think the stuff is very cute, but I don't get the whole "buy stuff and we'll give a tiny portion to charity." If I want to give to charity I rather just donate to a local place for I know they get 100% of the proceeds.

It's not flying off the shelf at my store, but I think we've sold a few things...
Feeding America will gladly take anything they can get. If you feel at all odd about the % going to the cause, volunteer! Local food banks will take anyone that can volunteer. They always have a need for people to sort donations, fill orders and other tasks. Most of them are not federally funded and rely on the donations and volunteers to help feed people. (Target does give a ton of money and also donates from FDCs.)
My take on wearing the cause on "my sleeve" is that it will help bring awareness to the cause and maybe others will become involved.
For me, I am all about the whole thing of doing something about hunger in America and worldwide, as well as raising awareness of and empathy, compassion, and ACTION toward hunger issues in our own country. That is an issue that I think is very overlooked for many reasons, that people turn a blind eye to for many reasons, and that people pass over for many reasons.

So I like the idea that anything is better than nothing, and hopefully buying a piece of the FEED merch can be a "gateway "of sorts for those who are civic-minded and don't quite know where to start or what to do.

That said, it bugs me that a lot of people will do that INSTEAD of volunteering or donating somewhere, but ultimately it is their time and money...AND worth noting that just because someoine is buying a piece of "FEED USA" merch it doesn't necessarily mean that they ARE NOT already donating, volunteering, or advocating for/with something/someone...
And yeah, it is no small irony to me in regards to the wage issues at Target, the hours issues at target, the image issues at Target, the many of issues at Target ( including my mixed ( at best ) feelings about the United Way stuff and how they're on all of us to give up the cash we barely see in the first place, the charitable/philanthropic efforts in communities and on a large scale that to my cynical eye are frequently about image enhancement and damage control more than anything else, etc )...up against this new campaign. Not at all.

Then again, most of my pet causes are hard to glamorise anyway...

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to check myself into the Rehabilitative Services for Parentheses Abusers before sunday evening...
FEED...a good idea...and doing SOMETHING is better than doing nothing.

That being said...
Target already supports lots of charities and such....but I'm really getting tired of Target giving to others...or asking us to give....and then not being good with the hourly wages and opening on Thanksgiving.

Target already donates a ton of money EVERY week to schools.
Target already sells stuff for St. Jude Hospital.
Target sponsors a house for people staying at St. Jude Hospital.
Target asks team members for money to go to the United Way.
Target sponsors building/rebuilding libraries for schools.

I'm not against helping others who need our help....especially St. Jude Hospital....but don't they ever stop to think that their own team members need help, too?

I think that it is great for Target to encourage people to volunteer for community events. This is a wonderful way to get people to help others....but I wonder who Target is trying to help.....
I agree with NOP...I know of several tm's at my store that barely survive on their pay, a few cant afford entire apartments so their forced to rent a couch in someone's home...Its a shame. I just had a conversation about this with a tm yesterday....
At least most of the product is actually cute, unlike most of the other special promotions they've had. I will probably get some when it goes down a bit more.
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