Archived Freedom!

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Former Front-End Guru
Staff member
Jun 12, 2011
Turned in my two weeks notice this morning.

Adios, suckers!
Another one set free.

Whatcha got going?
Oh god yes, bless your heart. My last day is Monday next week and then it's full time school. Best of luck to you!
Oh god yes, bless your heart. My last day is Monday next week and then it's full time school. Best of luck to you!

We're losing 'em captain.
One more gone.

Good luck to you and may life be better to you than Spot ever was.
You are quitting too?

Yeah. I just couldn't do it anymore. The school workload I have coming up next term and the miserable hours available for the pittance paychecks at my local store were not conducive to my long term goal. Also, after 5 years I've decided to hang up my red shirt and just focus elsewhere such as internships with specific companies regarding my major. I'm very fortunate as far as funding that I can just go to school full time, don't get me wrong on that. I know there are team members that don't have that benefit and have to work, and considering how much angrier I was getting at each shift I went in on, why force the couple execs I like to have to give me the boot?
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