Archived From Starbucks barista to digital advisor. Halp.

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Jul 2, 2014
Hey guys I was just told I'm going to become a digital advisor but I'm currently a Starbucks barista in our store...would anybody be able to help me out? Any pointers are appreciated. Also, one of my team leads said that he wanted me to come up with some ideas to educate guests and team members on registries....I've come up with a few things but I'm still really shaky about voicing my opinion because like I said, I'm Starbucks. I know coffee, not electronics. Thanks in advance!
Wut HLM said.
If that's your real name, deep-six it quick.
Corp doesn't approve of this site & store leadership has been known to come down on posters who rant about their store.
How do they expect you to have time for such things? Does your Starbucks not have bare minimum coverage?
Unless you are very digitally saavy, I would just decline the title. Or tell your TL that that isn't one of your strengths, give him your ideas and let him decide if you should be a digital advisor. No point stressing about a title you weren't pursuing.
Nvm I got it thanks guys. And yeah, I'm sorta stressed about it because I'm about to start a bunch of other training as well in Starbucks and I just don't think I can do it because I can never break away to do whatever digital advisor duties they want me to do.
Maybe....but that's stupid. My team lead is trying to get us front end team members all excited about no avail.
If you plan on moving out of Starbucks any time soon (whether as a TL or to a different work center) I would strongly consider being a digital advisor. Since the new interview guides came out this month, there's a huge emphasis on tech-savviness and if you build the impression that you're not tech savvy, they may not want to promote you.
Nvm I got it thanks guys. And yeah, I'm sorta stressed about it because I'm about to start a bunch of other training as well in Starbucks and I just don't think I can do it because I can never break away to do whatever digital advisor duties they want me to do.
We have one Digital Advisor at our store. He knows way less about them and what is going on than I do, even barring what I read here instead of redwire. So being a (non) Digital Advisor mostly means that the team calls me if I am in the store to troubleshoot whatever issues they are having with their device (or all of them in case of a global issue). The old man calls me about the SDA-mostly cause its a bit different and he gets lost easily with multiple location items. HR TM calls me when a TL comes in and the only device left has a "does not scan" note on it. I communicate the changes with the updates, although my ETL-GE or the actual DA does them. It rarely interrupts my day for more than ten minutes. So you'l get called more on the walkie and sought out by team members trying to fix their device, but you can probably do it while making drinks. 😉
My previous GSTL wants me back on her team in the worst way, I was cashier and guest service before I went to Starbucks, so I do know a little about my devices and such, but not enough to warrant the title of digital advisor. Also I'm making more money at Starbucks, and she promoted other people before she ever promoted me. I asked to be trained for GSA, taking into account that I have completely open availability. She said 'yeah sure let me see what I can do' and she never got back to me on it. I don't like the stress of Starbucks, but I also don't like the bore of cashiering, which is where they seem to want to keep me. I'm at a crossroads. :/
If you really want GSA, only move back to the lanes after you have interviewed and been formally offered GSA. Seeing as your GSTL has promoted others ahead of you, she feels others are better qualified for the position than you are, she feels she can dangle the promotion carrot in front of you to keep you as a cashier indefinitely, or both.
If you think Starbucks is stressful, wait 'til you become a GSA.
"Stress" will be your middle name, last name "Nervous Breakdown".
There are plenty of threads about the hell GSAs endure.
If you think Starbucks is stressful, wait 'til you become a GSA.
"Stress" will be your middle name, last name "Nervous Breakdown".
There are plenty of threads about the hell GSAs endure.

Believe it or not, all of the gsa's and gstl's at my store love what they do. I'm not saying it isn't stressful, I'd just prefer it over the mess that is Starbucks.
Maybe they don't get beat up over red cards as much as other stores.
What exactly do they do? We have 5 digital advisers but no clue what their use is.
The role of digital advisor is not to troubleshoot and help with mydevices unless their ETL-GE has delegated the task to them. Their job is to be the primary source of information and training for all things digital Target. The main goal of the DA is to have all TMs very familiar with Target's digital apps and online shopping experience. We want all TMs to be able to walk a guest through, Target registry, Cartwheel, and now Target Healthful. At the front end you will want to make sure all cashiers know all about Cartwheel and that they are sharing all those deals with the guests! #GrowDigital
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