Archived From TM to temp-TL to TL, any advice? (Does this work??)

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Receiving/Reverse Logistics
Dec 20, 2012
Hello, Breakroom!

I've been working as a TM in the backroom for around a year, and crosstrained in other areas. I can run receiving, work salesfloor, bulk, flow, market, etc. I seem to be unusually versatile in my store, and very well liked by my leadership team. Our store has been struggling quite a bit and the newest batch of leaders have recognized me as someone they value and would like to move up - first to either a temporary flow or backroom team lead as we're having some shifts in leadership positions upcoming, and then to something else yet to be determined.

So, my question - does anyone else have any experience moving from being "just one of the team" to running the team? I've already been tasked with taking up more and more responsibility, so most TMs I work with come to me for advice and regard me as a little more than just a peer, but it's still a leap. I'm not scared of the challenge, and I trust my leadership to figure out and put me in a good position, they won't throw me to the wolves, but it's still a daunting proposition. Any suggestions, stories, or advice?

Edit: We are in the $40-50 million range, decently large store with a large staff and plenty of challenges. Lots of turnover due to poor store performance, which does worry me more about accepting a TL position as I've seen so many TLs, ETLs, STLs come and go, but I'm not one to turn down a challenge and I'd like the extra income and experience on my resume.
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I did a temporary tl position as well. They saw me as someone that could move up in the company. I interviewed for a brand sponsor position and it was mine if I wanted it. Or I could do the temp position. For me, the temp position did not come with a raise. But I still chose that over the raise for bs. I knew it would be better for me and my development.

I noticed that they didn't watch my scores as much. I mean, I maintained green stores for about 12/13 weeks I was the temp tl. So I still got recognition. But it didn't seem to be a big focus. I think the biggest focus was just completing my work load but also leading my team. I had to learn to communicate, recognize, delegate, and trust my team. It was a great learning experience for me. In the beginning I wanted to do everything myself, then had to learn to leave direction for my team and know it would get completed.

I think a temp position is a great idea. If you can get a raise that is even better. I know I wouldn't take the job at a TM pay full time, but I suppose it was worth it for the short time. It is a lot of work and my leaders expected a lot from me. I did everything except vibe reports, tl meetings, and coachings. But I had most of the responsibilities including the schedule.

I was recently signed off by district as a team leader and will be starting a permanent position very soon. It was definitely because of the temp position that I was able to get noticed and end up with the permanent position.

I say jump right in! Take the challenge head on! Prove yourself. Lead your team. Get the green scores. Get out there and get noticed. Let them see what you're capable off, but don't make it all about you. They like to see you recognize your team and develop them as well! Good luck!!
First things first...there is no such thing as a Temporary TL position. If your store is doing this, they are WAAAAYYYY off of best practice. This was done away with a long time ago.

As far as moving up, this is not always an easy transition. A lot of people struggle, especially if you have friends on the team you will lead. You need to set clear boundaries and expectations, and cannot treat your tms differently from each other. If you can switch between boss and friend without issues, you should be fine.
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