A number of the stores in my area have entrances where the sensors are a few feet away from the doors. There is merchandise on the opposite side of the doors. Apparently, there was a guest who was taking small, high-ticket items and throwing them out of the merchandise areas into the areas between the sensors and the doors, or simply throwing them OVER the sensors, picking them up and walking out the doors. He hit multiple stores and they estimate he got away with thousands of dollars worth of merchandise!!! One store has their flu-shot area set up right by the sensors and their test strips & nicotine replacement products are nearby. He apparently cleared the shelves, simply by swiping them all into bags and putting them on the flu shot table. No AP was on duty, the pharmacy was closed, and he was shielded from the check lanes by the flu shot privacy "wall." I heard the estimate is over $3K from that store alone! 😱