I’m in a pilot district but ours unload the truck, push the truck & set sales planners & that’s basically it
It really depends on what your store's volume is and what the leader head count is, what area(s) you oversee as the GMTL, etc. Our store has 3 so they split the areas, but ASANTS.
Sounds like every store is different…i’m an outside hire. Wonder how long it will take me to get the jist of everything.
Sounds like every store is different…i’m an outside hire. Wonder how long it will take me to get the jist of everything.
Coming in as an outside hire for gmtl is definitely the hardest job in the building unless you have a really solid gm tl to lean on for a while. There is a lot of just technical things that don't always come up all the time, amd many things just need to be done fast which isn't easy when you are new. Rely on your other gmtls and make sure gm etl gives you solid directions of what they want done. Good luck lots of knowledgeable people on this sight so feel free to ask questions.
At our store you get carts, cashier, and work in electronics because the store is cutting hours to save money.

Of course we then pay a higher wage to said GM TL to do those jobs.

Math is hard for Target apparently.
If they let the TL go and paid a TM a lower rate, then yes it would be beneficial to the company. But since the TL position exists and the TL is already in the building and being paid regardless of what job they are doing, it saves the company money by not also having a TM there to do those tasks.

I'm also a firm believer that TLs should spend at least two-thirds of their hours tasking, and frankly, ETLs should spend a bit of time doing so as well.
I'm also a firm believer that TLs should spend at least two-thirds of their hours tasking, and frankly, ETLs should spend a bit of time doing so as well.
It runs SO much better this way. We had some management changes semi-recently and not all of them are keen on tasking. Of any sort. At all. It shows throughout the entire store, not just their department. Storewide we lost A LOT of fantastic, long-term TMs due to it. It seems to slowly be getting a little better but apparently it's hard to get rid of an ETL so we're stuck.

OP - If you have co-GMTLs and even other leaders (TL and ETL... even the SD) willing and able to give advice and help you out, providing you're not afraid to ask a lot of questions, you will be okay. It is a learning curve and you will get frustrated. A lot. Particularly in Q4. But, if you're willing, you can definitely do it. Show your team you're not afraid to work your butt off, sweat, and get dirty. Hold them accountable, don't let the OG's walk all over you, and remember to try and have fun (I know, but it does help us get through the day!) - Good luck!

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