Archived Go in as scehduled or not?

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Jul 22, 2014
So my sf lod has cut hours for people all week but has not entered anything in mytime ao our schedules still show up the same. Am I supposed to go in at mh mytime schedule or at the one she said? Like today im scheduled at 4 but wed she asked me to come in at 7. . .my schedule on mobile still says 4 and my sun and next sat shifts werent changed to reflect her requests either. I just dont want to get yelled at in 3 months when my HR starts attacking people like she likes to do.
Call if your really unsure, otherwise come in at the time you were asked to come in, as long as you were told by an ETL you should be fine. I had the same thing happen a few weeks ago, and they were happy to see that I showed up.
Thank you I think I will call I dont want to be a bother with a dumb question but I dknt want to get yelled at nor writtwn up :/ just makes me mad she had the schedule on the pc in front of her when asking us all to cut why didnt she change it.
Am I supposed to go in at mh mytime schedule or at the one she said?
shifts werent changed to reflect her requests
I just dont want to get yelled at in 3 months when my HR starts attacking people like she likes to do.

It is the Leader's responsibility get the schedule updated so that you can clock in at the correct times. It annoys me so much when things like this happen to TMs.

Try calling the store to see if they can update myTime so that you can clock in.

If a shift didn't get changed in the system for some reason, you can go in at the time that that ETL told you BUT document that shift. You can write it down on a piece of paper or a notebook - just make sure that you don't lose the record. When HR starts asking questions, you have that info to go by. (This is just something that I would personally do as a precaution since your attendance record will probably show you as being late for # hours if the shift wasn't changed in myTime.)

- Date: Saturday, 09/23
- Original Shift, as scheduled in myTime: 4p-11p
- Shift Change: 7p-11p
- Reason (include Leader): ETL-SF Jane needed to cut hours.
- Notes (optional): I called the store at 2pm on 09/23 to make sure that I come in at 7pm since the shift wasn't changed in myTime.
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Thank you everyone for your input! I called and the lod told me to come in when I was told because of hours we are 400 over :/ so I did which wasnt communicated to my closing lod. I guess its not just me though this lod had told a ton of tms to cut shifts and not come in for the next week starting thur but didnt change a single thing in mytime. Its been chaos with people not showing up or coming in late. Reliable people like me and others who are never late or call our are freaking out becuase what we were told isnt reflected in the schedule. In the words of mh closing lod " do what she said if ahe fucked up she fucked up". Im worried because today and this coming sat its the same situation but im going to talk to my hrtm tomorrow and see if she can change my sat so it doesnt reflect my late start. What a freaking mess when she talked to me she had the schedules on the pc pulled up I dont understand why she didnt change it -_- Thanks all its so frustrating when somekne can do something so simple correctly and I get incredibly mad when someone else endangers my job :/
So my sf lod has cut hours for people all week but has not entered anything in mytime ao our schedules still show up the same. Am I supposed to go in at mh mytime schedule or at the one she said? Like today im scheduled at 4 but wed she asked me to come in at 7. . .my schedule on mobile still says 4 and my sun and next sat shifts werent changed to reflect her requests either. I just dont want to get yelled at in 3 months when my HR starts attacking people like she likes to do.
The computer always wins. So if its not changed in my time, then you can show up.
ASANTS .... all stores are not the same .

My HRTM would have your head if you take a picture.
You are not allowed to have other TM names on your phone and their schedule.

So I would definitely not take any photos of your schedule.
Yours and no one else hrtm has any power. I'll take picture of whatever I want
I wouldn't have cared if they screwed up on hours and are over. If it isn't fixed in mytime then I am coming in that time because it protects me. The leader needs to do their job as a leader and fix it, especially if they were at the computer right when you were told.
It covers you in the event that something happens. They can't say you were scheduled to work 9am-2pm but only worked 12pm-2pm.
In cases where hours were cut or the schedule was updated after posting, it would be usually suggested for TMs to sign off on their new schedule.

Posted schedule always wins.
In cases where hours were cut or the schedule was updated after posting, it would be usually suggested for TMs to sign off on their new schedule.

Posted schedule always wins.
right I meant to say that because it has been done to me. A change in the computer and not on the paper schedule. I said I didnt see the change on the computer. Paper schedule not changed, they cant do anything,
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