Archived Going From TL back to TM

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Starbucks Shift Supervisor
Sep 5, 2012
What would the pay decrease be going from TL to TM?
Sounds about right because $3 is the pay increase in my area for being a TL.
Why go backwards? Find a comparable job somewhere else at this point.
Who has ever wanted to get money taken away from them?
When I demoted myself they never took any money from me... However I think it was something that was missed and not a norm?
I'd agree to that end. Unless you were able to argue that TL pay was still deserved, the norm is to bump down by a couple dollars and in many cases there's some residual "experience pay" to keep you above regular TM starting pay.
I demoted from Sr. TL to TM and lost about $5.75. As to the question of why demote rather than find another position.... I cannot think of another job that would pay NEARLY the amount I was making to do something as easy as stick clearance stickers on things, which I did while picking up some graduate courses.
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