Archived GSTL Pay

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Feb 5, 2019
Just wondering if I’m getting ripped off.

My pay is $18 as GSTL for a store that does $80-$150k.

What about you?
Either she’s lying to you or has been there for a while or was able to negotiate a pay increase when she was offered the position. Whenever you promote you should negotiate your pay. It’s not going to be uniform in the store or through the company. Everyone will have different wages even if they’re in the same position.
$18 is $2 above the minimum, so either you negotiated to get that high or you live in an area with a high cost of living. You’re making more than 10-year veteran high performing TLs make in my state.
There are many liars out there ... and it all depends on market, promotions, raises, and experience.

If you accepted $18 an hour that's great, it's a good rate. The starting wage company wide is $16 for leads UNLESS you work in a pricier market. So don't sweat it!
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