Hey there! I'm in the exact same position as you. I too am a brand new Hardlines Team Member, and I finished my training about two weeks ago. Hardlines is pretty straight forward, really. Training is going to be again, straight forward. I'll give you a run down of my training..
On my first day, I went to TSC, which is the desk in the TM Only area where you clock in, and asked for my trainer. I met the trainer, and he showed me where to get Walkies and myDevices from, and a bit of a crash course on how to use each of them. We then asked the LOD for our task for the night, and he gave me a quick tour of the store. He showed me the section we were in charge of for the night, and then proceeded to explain the proper way to zone it. We spent the day zoning, and that's about it. Zoning is simple fixing up of a section to make it look presentable. You'll pull items forward, line them up straight on the shelf, etc. Generally make the area look nice. Any items that are broken or misplaced, you'll seperate. Your trainer will explain more.
Day two was more or less the same, and I was taught how to use the phones to take calls and how to clear requests for service. At the end of the night I was shown how to sort re-shop (misplaced items and returns) and what to do with backstock items. (Items there's no room for on the floor.) And that was pretty much all..
Hardlines is a very straight forward job, and once you get the basics down, you'll have no trouble. All you're really doing is fixing the shelves and helping guests, plus backing up at the front from time to time. It's not hard, but like thunder20 said, you need to work fast. It's important that you get your section done before the end of the night. Ask your trainer if you don't understand something, stupid question or not, it's best to ask and get an answer rather than assume and screw up. Lastly, don't be afraid to ask questions here either. We're all here to help!
Good luck!