Archived Hey All!

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Dec 11, 2012
Figured I'd post a quick hello to all, just recently found this place and so far I'm enjoying lurking on all your posts ^_^. I've been with spot(that's what you guys call it hmm?) closer to 2 years than 1 and am actually enjoying it for the most part..weird right? Most of the ETLs and SrTLs at my store are respectable and honest people who have been straightforward and supportive so that probably has something to do with it. When I first started there were a couple Execs that I had problems with but they have since disappeared (hooray!).

I started like most people do on the registers and have been tossed about the front everywhere except Starbucks. Currently I am in a comfortable routine of spending every waking minute at the photo lab and plan to continue to do that until they take away the wet lab. :cray: I've also spent a little bit of time out on the floor, but can't stand the distractions (read: guests). It's all okay, but "specialty" positions are definitely the way to go. The only thing I thoroughly do not enjoy is softlines, if I had to spend any real amount of time there I would most likely end up checking myself into a white, padded room. All those tightly packed together...squeezing in from every get the point.

I did also have a question for anyone who may care to answer; I am going to be interviewing for a GSA position and really have no idea what to expect, so, what should I expect!?. I couldn't find much about these low level interviews here but would be super grateful if someone could point me in the right direction. What kind of questions will I be facing? Will it be more "Tell me about a time.." or will it be "What would you do in this situation: " type of stuff. I'm sure some of you have been on one side or the other of GSA interviews, input from either side would be super-fantabulous.

Will the fact that I am already used for covering GSTL breaks/lunches aid me at all? I am fairly confident that I know most of what there is to know as far as GSAing goes. I know the opening/closing routines, CO, etc... I am sure I still have things to learn but I would feel comfortable running the front end.

I feel like it will be an uphill battle seeing as my ETL-GE is not very fond of me (I have already whined about her in my only other post), so if I can pull off a decent interview with my other interviewer I'd be satisfied.

Well, thank you for any help you can offer me and I hope to get to know you all better! Hopefully I haven't scared anyone off with my incoherent intro post...hehe
P.S. How careful should I be as far as revealing my identity goes. Have I posted too much by identifying myself as a one of the few wet photo lab team members left who is applying for GSA? Am I being a paranoid parrot, does it even matter?
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Welcome to The Break Room! You don't have to feel paranoid, but don't put your name, store # - that kind of info.

HLM: That would be our buddy StaticSun.
Would static and imerzan be the ones to ask about the interviews and such?
I am supposedly going to be interviewing for GSA sometime before the world ends...

What I was told is that there are three different interviews. First one is with the SrGSTL at my store, and apparently another one is with an outside GSTL(?). Not sure about the other one. They are "tell me about a time" questions. The one I was given was, "tell me about a time where you lead a group to get results and what did you personally do?" Or something to that effect. That was a big one that she stopped just short of saying is always asked. I was told that the answers could be from inside or outside Spot.

Welcome, and good luck!
Hey - glad to see another photo TM looking at the GSA role!

If you're already being allowed to cover GSTL/GSA breaks, it's a good thing. It means they trust you to some extent, which is important.

I interviewed for GSA at two stores, my home and a neighboring district store. At my store, I interviewed with my GSTL and my ETL-GE. GSTL interview went fine, but I didn't see that vote of confidence look on my GE.

Fast forward a few months, I interviewed at the other store. GSTL, ETL-GE, STL. All 3 went great, they were energetic, and I started a week later. They will ask you TMAAT questions regarding working with groups, dealing with troublesome situations, and the like. Feel confident being a leader and striving for results and you'll do a great job supporting your GSTL in achieving whatever goal your store focuses on.

Best of luck!
thanks for the input staticsun! I wouldn't mind staying at photo for a long time, but gsaing is probably the next best thing!
I'm always a little nervous for the TMAAT questions. If they ask about a situation that I haven't really been in would it be appropriate to say "I haven't been in that situation but this is what I would do if I was."
Also a bit worried about my competition for GSA. The other candidate is both older and has better availability, the only thing I have l on him is more Target knowledge and experience, hopefully that'll mean something. But since when have qualified people ever gotten promoted eh? 😀
I am particularly worried about interviewing with the GE because I don't think she really trusts me, at all. She told the team up front to not let me cover breaks, afterwards the SrGSTL told them to ignore her and let me cover ("because her perception of reality is wrong"). So I cover when she isn't there, only see her once a week anyway.

So I have the support of everyone (gstls,gsas, srgstl, even the stl told me I was "trustworthy, valuable" and that I have "high job security even in the world of retail") except her, but unfortunately she is kind of important...

well, ill quit ranting now...
Were you asked any questions about how you would drive redcard sales or any what would you do questions? I was told to expect that question.

Thank you all once again for the warm welcome and supportive answers.
If you would prefer that we take this convo to pm or something that would be fine, not very good on forum ettiquette.
While the interview guide is the same store-to-store, they're able to go off script and ask you more intuitive questions. Just don't be afraid to ask questions about processes. Ask about conversion, how it's scored, how goals are determined, etc. The more you know about the process, the easier it'll be for you to get the big picture.
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