Archived hey ETLS support Helping out in other stores

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Flow Warrior

progenitor of thalassophobia
May 24, 2016
So my store has support help this week because we got behind on everything due to unforeseen circumstances.
The support help came from a district 237 miles away is a cluster of 9 people.

No big deal. They are nice and happy, and swift workers. We were introduced to them via huddle and they are doing our trucks and zone while we do the much needed heavy lifting and clean up that unforeseen circumstances prevented recently.

So I come in this morning and run into two TMs working in pets zoning, and being busy. I asked them if they need help with sign and inquire about the arrived repack basket. (our repacked when sorted are delivered via baskets) They said they weren't to work it.

Ok, the area it goes too is still messed up from unforeseen circumstances and I am finishing the rest of it today. Thats why I came in on my day off. The STL knows this. She asked me too. LOD for today knows this. I talked to her as I clocked in.

So as I finish the basket (i had to sort and deliver it) I go ask the two if they needed anything and I am stopped by a older man I hadn't met who was pulling grocery pallet. He proceesed to invoke the name of STL and tell me that I need to go zone chemical and other areas.

I process to tell him politely that I am here to do POG and being its my day off thats all I'm here for.
He, less politely, tells me to not bother his TMs anymore then.

I ask them how that was and they say its their ETL.

I go off to BR to get stuff to rebuild said peg wall. When I return TL that I was introduced is taking them off to lunch.

After my break hours later, I see ETL talking to STL and he gives me side eye, like her realized I was right and did have the authority to direct them (if I wanted to, which I wasn't because I don't do that with Support help period. You volunteered to help with us, I leave direction to ETLs and LOD)

Because There are plenty of us that view support help as an opportunity to slack off and this requires a reminder that you still need to do your job too.

SO to those here who are ETLs please if you do support help with a team and go to another city that is 2 hours of driving, I respect you but take some time to ask a pertinent question or too. Don't assume anything. Your team is your team BUT this is OUR house. Talk first, don't just order. Don't ask like its your store. It's not.

Personally, I would prefer he not come back. I didn't get his name (he didnt have a badge or it was covered. Some of our etls don't) and he acted as if I wasn't doing anything.

Just some thoughts put out here.
I have helped out in a lot of stores over the years and there have been times our store has received support help,sometimes the help has been awesome other times etls just come to hang out,the funniest time was a few years ago,we were given no hours for inventory prep and two eits were sent to us and were assigned the bulk area for prep ,when we came in that evening all the pallets were precounted with the number of cartons on each pallet.On a serious note though,I have found that the support help recently just want to run the store down and let us know how well things would be if they were running the show.
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