Archived Hey guys!!

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Aug 19, 2013
New to the forum and to target!!

I had my third real shift today (was called in to fill in for someone) and I only had to get help once! :dance3:

I've been feeling a bit self-conscious about how much help/questions I've been asking so it felt good having done most stuff on my own today.. How long did it take for you to get comfortable in your job (specifically cashiers)??
Greetings and salutations.
Welcome to the Break Room.

There are stages to every job as my pops used to say and retail especially.
1) You don't know how to do the job and you know it.
2) You think you know how to do the job but you really don't.
3) You know how to do the job but know your limitations.
4) You can do the job.
i always tell new TM's there are no dumb questions. I'm sure it varies from store to store and from the people you work with, but i'm always happy to help newbies (and I always get in trouble when I do, but don't care). Not just in a specific work center. No Siree.
They stripped off my "Trainer" Title a long time ago but I still wear my Badge, and I have "Trainers" come to me and still asking me questions. I don't know where that makes sense... but oh wait I do, It's me. 🙂 So I hope there are a couple of TMs (Trainers or not) that are happy to help you out, and you shouldn't have any worries. Before you know it, you will :excited: :yahoo::yahoo:
Welcome to The Break Room! Check out our cashier guide in the Guides section and the wiki. For Red Card techniques, type "Red Cards" in the search box and check out the similar threads at the bottom of the page (there are a ridiculous number of threads here about Red Cards - they're a hot topic these days). And of course, don't be afraid to ask questions! We have plenty of folks here from the front end (including GSTLs, GSAs, and even an ETL-GE or two) who are willing to help. In-store: ask your trainer, GSTL, GSA, whoever.
Thanks for the advice!! :friends: Most of the GSTLs are really good about helping and all of the cashiers I've worked with are really nice. I've had a few bad shifts here and there but luckily I've been getting one or two red cards per shift and that's what sticks in everyone's minds at the end of the day.
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