Archived Hi there!

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Eine kleine?
Jan 3, 2014
Hello! I've been a flow team member for nearly eight years. It's had its ups and downs. It's pretty good right now even though my store seems to be in a constant state of flux as far as leadership goes. *rolls eyes* I have a good team lead and a good team, so if nothing else, I don't dread going into work these days as I have in the past. My store recently went from overnight to 4am, and while there was what seemed like a long adjustment period and steep learning curve, things have pretty much settled down.

I'm really kind of awful at message boards... I'm very shy even on the faceless internet so I tend to be more of a lurker, but I really look forward to having a place where I can say things in a Target-y way and people will understand me. XD
Welcome. Your first name wouldn't be "Eine kleine" would it? j/k
You'll have lots of company here. Much of the new folk hail from BR & flow.
Greetings and salutations.

Welcome to The Break Room.
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