Archived high performer, bad availability

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Aug 12, 2012
hi all-

thanks for answering my questions. i was hired on as seasonal, am a high performer...but i want to take more classes, making my availability limited to 2 free anytime days per week.

will they work with that since i'm a good cashier?

how flexible are they?

appreciate your answers in advance. :huh:
Hi, at my store at least they are VERY flexible. They dont mind if you cant work a few days of the week, and one girl even took a month leave for summer classes and they didnt care. Talk to your ETL-HR, they will gladly answer any questions!
hi all-

thanks for answering my questions. i was hired on as seasonal, am a high performer...but i want to take more classes, making my availability limited to 2 free anytime days per week.

will they work with that since i'm a good cashier?

how flexible are they?

appreciate your answers in advance. :huh:

I'm a little worried for you. When you leave it up to them to schedule you any two days, they'll take advantage of it. It might work fine for now, but come 4th Q, I would bet money it'll slip through the cracks and they'll schedule whenever you're available. That's the time when you really don't want it to slip through, b/c it will be time for finals. Good luck though. Make it abundantly clear to anyone who is even remotely involved with scheduling what your needs are.
If You are under 90 days, you may not be allowed to change your schedule.

We generally are pretty lenient with people who are going back to school if they reduce their availability... However we just let a girl go because we hired her because she had open availability and tried to reduce it down to one day and it wasn't even a weekend......
We generally are pretty lenient with people who are going back to school if they reduce their availability... However we just let a girl go because we hired her because she had open availability and tried to reduce it down to one day and it wasn't even a weekend......

Same thing happened to me too.
Our store is not so lenient with TMs who are hired over the summer, tell us they have open availability, don't tell us they are going to school and have to change their availability within 90 days...their new hire availability is a commitment from them that they will not change their availability for three months. Otherwise, what use is it? Most of the TMs who do this actually ask if they can take leave and when they find out they cannot take leave during the probationary period, they quit.
That's when the ETL conducting the 2nd interview should make it VERY clear that if they are planning to go to school "in the future", they'd better wait until their 90 days is up.
Spot's pretty good about folks going to school but we had a couple that 'said' they were taking classes only to find out that they were using it as an excuse to change avail. They were told to either go back to their original avail, show proof of classes or get termed. One switched back, the other termed.
That's why you have to/should ask if their availability will change in the next 90 days when interviewing them...important info to know for sure.
We wouldn't accept it unless the 2 days were Sat and Sun. Basically you are writing your own schedule. Most people do not want to work weekends (hello! it's retail!) but that is when we really need people. It looks to the rest of the team like favoritism.
thanks for the input. i did tell the supervisors during the interview that my schedule is going to change, that my open availability is for the summer only. but since school hadn't started yet, i did't know my schedule yet.
Any advice for a new TM that is getting too many hours? He said he told them he wanted to be part time, but is getting scheduled full time.
Yeah I was surprised too. He has experience in a certain area, but doesn't want to do that anymore. Of course they put him in that area.
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