Answered How do I use this forum?

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Jan 13, 2014
This Questions and Answers forum looks new and I'm wondering how to use it. Where did all the I'm Lost topics go?
Hey @RafiTheCat,

This is intended to be a more formal forum where you can ask a specific, concise question and get a specific answer. Rather than having long conversations about topics like in the rest of the forums here, Questions and Answers is supposed to be to-the-point in order to arrive at an answer quickly.

The threads here work a little differently in that the first post is a Question and each reply after that is an Answer. Therefore, it would behoove thread participants to read the existing Answers first before submitting their own. If an existing response adequately answers a question, you can actually just up-vote that Answer! Answers with the highest number of votes will float to the top of the thread for the most visibility. Conversely, you can downvote Answers that are not accurate or poorly formed. Answers with enough downvotes will be hidden, and the Answer reaching a specific number of up-votes will become the Best Answer, which will mark the topic as "Answered" and lock it. The topic creator can also choose a Best Answer themselves when they feel their question has been answered to their satisfaction. This is done by clicking the trophy icon. The staff can also select a Best Response when the thread creator has neglected to, in order to bring closure to long-standing Unanswered Questions.

The mods will be paying more attention to this forum to ensure the quality of topics. This forum should be considered as having a more strict set of rules. Shitposting or off-topic posts are not for this forum. Warnings or other punitive actions may occur. If you don't think you have anything to contribute to this forum, it's probably best to just not participate.

EDIT: The I'm Lost topics were prefixed with "I'm Lost" and moved to the general forum. If you'd like a more conversational approach to a question you have, create your thread in that forum and use the I'm Lost prefix.
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