How does our new self managed Inventory System handle day of freight once new counts drop

May 11, 2020

We had our annual inventory done yesterday by our District in house inventory team. we all used the new Smart Scan inventory app. I have a question related to freight received and acknowledged after the day of inventory was completed. Here is our scenario

- Inventory was done on Wed and completed the same day.
- We received our FDC truck on Wed but did not acknowledge the unpushed load until Thur.
- We received another FDC truck on Thur, acknowledged it and pushed the product. Ditto for Friday’s truck.

My question is this. When the new store counts drop a couple days after inventory day, which of these below will be the case?

1. The counts done on Wed will drop into our store on Friday, replacing Thursday’s counts with a snapshot of the store on Wed (I hope this is not the case if it does not account for later received freight)

2. The new counts that drop on Friday will include a snapshot of our status based on the Wed inventory, but add in all the acknowledged freight received on Wed, Thur, Fri. And of course subtract out sales and defected out product on those interim days as well.

Another way to say it is - Will our product numbers be nearly “perfect” on Friday after the new numbers drop?

Thanks for your input.

We had our annual inventory done yesterday by our District in house inventory team. we all used the new Smart Scan inventory app. I have a question related to freight received and acknowledged after the day of inventory was completed. Here is our scenario

- Inventory was done on Wed and completed the same day.
- We received our FDC truck on Wed but did not acknowledge the unpushed load until Thur.
- We received another FDC truck on Thur, acknowledged it and pushed the product. Ditto for Friday’s truck.

My question is this. When the new store counts drop a couple days after inventory day, which of these below will be the case?

1. The counts done on Wed will drop into our store on Friday, replacing Thursday’s counts with a snapshot of the store on Wed (I hope this is not the case if it does not account for later received freight)

2. The new counts that drop on Friday will include a snapshot of our status based on the Wed inventory, but add in all the acknowledged freight received on Wed, Thur, Fri. And of course subtract out sales and defected out product on those interim days as well.

Another way to say it is - Will our product numbers be nearly “perfect” on Friday after the new numbers drop?

Thanks for your input.
  1. Any freight acknowledged before inventory should have been counted as part of the inventory process.
  2. Any freight acknowledged after inventory shouldn't have been counted.
In theory, what you acknowledge after inventory should just add to the inventory counts. Assuming you did 1 and 2 correctly, your counts should be 'near perfect'

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