Answered How does transferring work?

May 13, 2020
Hi there! I made this account cause I didn't wanna bother HR so late in the evening and I don't work til Sat.

So, basically I told HR that my last day at work was the 28th and that I had planned on transferring. Due to unforeseen circumstances I had to quickly sell my current house and am relocating to another city. The drive would not be work the gas at my current store. I told her the store I wanted to work at and never really heard back.

I plan on asking her about it either in person or through text soon.

So, how does transferring work? After notifying your work's HR? I already have a posted last day at the store and was wondering what happens after that? Do I waltz into the new store and ask for an LOD? Will I be notified of scheduling?

I'm all new to this folks as I didn't plan on moving this soon.
Hi there! I made this account cause I didn't wanna bother HR so late in the evening and I don't work til Sat.

So, basically I told HR that my last day at work was the 28th and that I had planned on transferring. Due to unforeseen circumstances I had to quickly sell my current house and am relocating to another city. The drive would not be work the gas at my current store. I told her the store I wanted to work at and never really heard back.

I plan on asking her about it either in person or through text soon.

So, how does transferring work? After notifying your work's HR? I already have a posted last day at the store and was wondering what happens after that? Do I waltz into the new store and ask for an LOD? Will I be notified of scheduling?

I'm all new to this folks as I didn't plan on moving this soon.
Why did you quit? You said you gave Hr your last day . You should have spoken to hr about you moving to a other city and wanting to transfer stores instead . Then he could reach to the stores in the area and see if there any positions opened . But if you quit ( which you say you did )you have to wait 90 before reapply.
I would call the store you want to transfer to and speak to someone there. Explain that your HR emailed about you transferring, and you are following up. Go in to your store for an update from your HR--dont wait.

Transfers are not automatic. If the store doesn't need or want you, they will not accept you as a transfer. HR will send the email, but it is up to you to put in some legwork to make sure it happens.

@allnew2 HLM, I'm pretty sure her last day refers to her last one in town, not a term date.

Good luck.

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