Archived How soon should I get to Target tomorrow for SNES Classic?

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My store has 45. We got a TON of calls about it tonight and have been telling people that the line begins at 6 am. But in reality, that means LOD/STL is handing out numbered tickets as people arrive and telling them to come back at 8 when the store officially opens, or else telling them that we're out of stock and try again (whenever we expect more) if we've given out 45 numbers.
We told everyone we have 44 and that if you show up before 8 am the police will move you along (as we have way too many panhandlers and homeless) so appear at 8, get ticket. get lucky. (assuming the electronics guy didn't buy some himself. he was scheduled at 7.)
I have played the emulators son figured out to put gameboy on his phone as well....but it is just not the same but maybe I am just struck with the gotta have it bug. You can also get a rasberry pi and load emulators and buy nintendo cases for it. Costs the same maybe more...i might get one of those for my son he seems to be interested in programming.
My store already had a line going when we got in at 4am. 😱

Mine as well and all gone by 8:15aam. We were a machine going through the line.. We got over 20 exact number I didn't know but we had number cards to cover that many at one point. What I heard over the radio.

Ps I did the Raspberry Pi.
Had like 150, 160 people in line this morning at opening.

Had 142 or so SNES classics.

They were all gone by 8:30am.

Felt bad for the people at the end of the line.
We had 40-something and sold out at 9:30. Our line wasn't huge, but we're a small town store.
Our ETL-AP said he talked with the Nintendo rep who said they were going to produce more of the SNES than they did of the Classic. The rep said this should ensure more product flowing to stores more often and well into next year. He said this should also cut down on the price gouging on eBay.

Take it with a grain of salt.

However, I will say that the number we had on the SNES launch day seemed to be much more than we had last year for the Classic.
They didn’t expect for the classic NES to be very popular. Now that they know, they would produce more SNES
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