Answered How to put in time off request/availability

Sep 24, 2020
Hey guys! So, I'm pretty new at Target, and my store uses both Workday and the Kronos mobile app, I've tried to look through both but I'm unsure how to put in when I can work or what days I would like off. It's not super urgent, but since I'm a student I need them to know the times I'm available. I'm in training right now and I've already had to miss one class so that I could make a shift. Thanks for any help in advance you guys :^)
You need to be on a store device (zebra or computer - computer will be preferable) to submit an availability change or request time off.

From a computer:
g into Workbench
Hover over Quick Links
Click on myTime Self Service
Log into myTime Self Service
Click on the red tabs to the left for your requests.

From a Zebra:
Log into MyDay
Click on Tools
Click on Workbench
Click on the three lines on the left under SharePoint
Click on Quick Links
Click on Applications
scroll down to MyTime Self Service and click on that
Log in Again
Click on Request Time Off/Avaialabilty Change and submit information

The zebras are kinda the worst but will work. I had a TM who couldn’t log onto a computer yet a Zebra worked for her 🤷‍♀️

If you need a full day off leave the box blank when submitting your availability change. Also be prepared to have a conversation with either your Leader or an HR Leader about how you were hired due to the availability you submitted on your application and how at your interview you should have given them the correct information. They don’t have to accept a change to it within your first 90 days and I recommend you leave it as open as possible.
At my store you have to talk with leader before submitting availability request, if you don’t it will be auto denied. This should be done at least 2 weeks prior to the need for change in schedule. If you keep your availability open on weekends and some closing shifts there usually ok with availability changes for school.

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