I need to rant about my role as an HR expert


Oct 3, 2017
I’ve been an HR expert for over four years now and I’ve watched my responsibilities deminish little by little every year to the point that I don’t know why they have us anymore. I was just informed this morning that we can’t schedule interviews anymore. Only the HRETL can do it. So all I do anymore is run reports, hound TM’s about doing their training and hunt people down to sign the 1-31. I only get 18 hours a week now. I’ve always felt that target views HR experts as unnessary drains on payroll. I often wonder if target is just trying to slowly phase out the position. 😑
I’ve been an HR expert for over four years now and I’ve watched my responsibilities deminish little by little every year to the point that I don’t know why they have us anymore. I was just informed this morning that we can’t schedule interviews anymore. Only the HRETL can do it. So all I do anymore is run reports, hound TM’s about doing their training and hunt people down to sign the 1-31. I only get 18 hours a week now. I’ve always felt that target views HR experts as unnessary drains on payroll. I often wonder if target is just trying to slowly phase out the position. 😑

I think they think EVERY position is a drain on payroll. Signing? Wasted payroll. Now that there's no payroll for signing, I estimate more than 1/3 of our signing never sees the floor. Pallet to fixture room to baler.
I only get 22 hours for HR now that we’re out of Q4. But I’ve always felt my responsibilities ebbed and flowed depending on my ETL. Taking over donations and volunteerism has helped me keep a hold on to something. Honestly I would rather chase TMs down with the 1/31 than try and get them to actually go volunteer 🙄
Our HRTM's on Neptune were all really nice and effective and everyone liked them. They have all gone to better themselves.
I’ve been an HR expert for over four years now and I’ve watched my responsibilities deminish little by little every year to the point that I don’t know why they have us anymore. I was just informed this morning that we can’t schedule interviews anymore. Only the HRETL can do it. So all I do anymore is run reports, hound TM’s about doing their training and hunt people down to sign the 1-31. I only get 18 hours a week now. I’ve always felt that target views HR experts as unnessary drains on payroll. I often wonder if target is just trying to slowly phase out the position. 😑

They took away my ability to set up interviews in october before the first hiring event. Mostly because my lead is a new in role external idiot and couldnt communicate with me about applicants and interviews and schedules. I'm not surprised that it's going around. But i still had the schedule, I was writing 99% of it, until last month. Now I've went from 34hrs to 20 and was told to open availability or quit but at this point I dont even know what my role is. I even directly asked our hrbp during snapback. No real answer there. I would not be surprised if our role was eliminated completely by next year, the way of the backroom & signing tms.

Are they allowing you to pick up shifts elsewhere in the store? I was just told I was banned from doing so.
I moved from the front end to the HR Expert position right before Q4......trial by fire and I came out alive on the other side!! So far my hours have been pretty good and I help out other areas as needed. While my ETL kept close tabs on WD during Q4, I would also help manage it and will still set up interviews as needed.
Why would your ETL not let you screen candidates? Doesn’t he/she have more important things to do? That’s so odd. A few things my ETL has me do on top of regular HR work is audit the minor, 18-25, and inactive TM binders. I track attendance & run training reports and send them out to leadership via email also. There’s so much that can be done in our workcenter that most stores don’t do and it’s ridiculous.
I felt that with my soul..

Don’t forget we are often voluntold to go downstairs and help SFS, watch Flexies for a break, breakout Style truck, push freezer, hold Tech keys for their lunch, or anything else to cover a shift for a call out. And I have done all of that in my last month.
Damn! The only thing our HR tm does other than her job is a bit of service desk back up.
There are new responsibilities coming for HR Experts in 2020, you’ll hear about them soon. The pandemic has pushed back the rollout of many things. ASANTS, but some stores leadership see the HR payroll as an easy bank to rob for things like GM or Specialty and think that our behind the scenes work is a bunch of black magic nonsense. My HR Expert gets their full hours and is delegated many things as part of their routines. I had this great team member transfer from a store that did treat HR like a joke, and now we’re stronger for it here.
There are new responsibilities coming for HR Experts in 2020, you’ll hear about them soon. The pandemic has pushed back the rollout of many things. ASANTS, but some stores leadership see the HR payroll as an easy bank to rob for things like GM or Specialty and think that our behind the scenes work is a bunch of black magic nonsense. My HR Expert gets their full hours and is delegated many things as part of their routines. I had this great team member transfer from a store that did treat HR like a joke, and now we’re stronger for it here.
I’m so curious to know what our new responsibilities will be!

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