So I’ve read my upcoming Work Schedule for This Upcoming Week. I’m Scheduled 📅 for 35.00. I was off All Of Last Week so I can only imagine what I’ll be walking into. I take it that after this week, My “Hours” will steadily start to decline.
I already Have another Job. Spot is just my side job for some additional income. My minimum Hours I put when I was Hired was 5 hours. As I shared in Previous Posts, I’m not one 1️⃣ of those people begging for more hours. I’m content.
Yeah @Hardlinesmaster. Funny thing was last time I was at work, ppl were saying that they Wanted, More Hours. I know that I’m one of the more experienced Team members, so that’s probably why I was put on for so many days. Depending on how I feel, I just might give up a shift or two. I will see how my body responds.