I'm not totally out the door yet.

Feb 19, 2017
So I got a job offer yesterday for another company and I'm debating if I should completely quit Target (after my 2 week notice) or should I go On Demand. I've been at Target for 6 years and I've been in the same position since I started but I also know how to do other positions in the store. I do live in a payout state (I'm still unsure of my sick time I accumulated.)
Pros: Target is my comfort zone and I made friends here.

Cons: New management is making my store go down hill.
I feel like I'm working at a slower pace every shift.
My position/duties at Target no longer fulfill me.

I'm sorry if this post is common sense, I'm just indecisive right now. Thank you for your input!
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I mean its really up to you if you want extra money or not. Working weekends and getting an extra few thousand a year isnt too bad. If you shop a lot at target keeping the discount might not be bad either really just depends on your situation. Good luck at your new job
Talk to HR and go on demand if you can.

You'll keep your health insurance if you have it til new insurance kicks in, and the 10% discount is a pretty nice perk
I made a decision tonight to just put in my 2 week notice. I start my new job in exactly 2 weeks and I don't want to give Spot only a few day notice. I don't want to wait to talk to my HR because honestly I don't know when I'll see her next. I'm stressed out every time I clock in at Target and losing my sick time is worth with to me. Thank you everyone for your input.
I made a decision tonight to just put in my 2 week notice. I start my new job in exactly 2 weeks and I don't want to give Spot only a few day notice. I don't want to wait to talk to my HR because honestly I don't know when I'll see her next. I'm stressed out every time I clock in at Target and losing my sick time is worth with to me. Thank you everyone for your input.
Good for you screw them don't work at company that makes you sick.
I made a decision tonight to just put in my 2 week notice. I start my new job in exactly 2 weeks and I don't want to give Spot only a few day notice. I don't want to wait to talk to my HR because honestly I don't know when I'll see her next. I'm stressed out every time I clock in at Target and losing my sick time is worth with to me. Thank you everyone for your input.
Good luck and I hope your new job works out and it's probably going to be better than Target!

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