Archived Is it bad if I research?

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Apr 21, 2017
With this new move app, I'm confused. If I go into research mode and research like lighters for instance at 0 for all cl locations, and there's 5 in the back (capacity of 50 over all the checklanes), will a research batch be generated?

Then I'll be responsible for pulling it before 1PM?

How do you name your batch in move? Do you have to research it in move now?
Research/Instock batches still drop into the PDA. If you’re just filling outs that do not have on-hand exceptions, you can request more through “manage inventory” for the DPCI in myWork, which creates an EXF batch. If you’re working outs through the “Research” app in myWork, these would drop into the PDA as research. Research/In-stock batches are autolabled as RSCH-Fillgroup or ITM-Fillgroup. Move is currently for autofills, CAFs, POGs, e-Pick, and OOS batches only. Generally, you want to pull these batches before the ones drop, as generally they roll into them.
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