Archived Is that time

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Jun 11, 2018
Time to write your reviews folks , no unicorns since no one is shitting rainbows .
All jokes asides why we even do them? It’s always same bs. I enjoy writing the team members ones but definitely not my own.
The absolute worst part of the TL position. The biggest waste of time too. I procrastinate until the last second. Best year ever: A few years ago I was told I waited too long and it was too late to send, told to type one word and hit enter, ETL said he didn’t really care what it would say anyway.
I don’t like writing tm’s either. The truth hurts and people get 😡.
Was told by HR ETL that ours are due next week Friday! WTF!? I seriously don't have time off stage to spend writing a review that don't matter anyway since they already know what score they are going to give you. Anyone else feel the same?
Was told by HR ETL that ours are due next week Friday! WTF!? I seriously don't have time off stage to spend writing a review that don't matter anyway since they already know what score they are going to give you. Anyone else feel the same?
Yeah I hear you mine is due within next few weeks but it’s truly a waste of time . They already decided who gets what
The absolute worst part of the TL position. The biggest waste of time too. I procrastinate until the last second. Best year ever: A few years ago I was told I waited too long and it was too late to send, told to type one word and hit enter, ETL said he didn’t really care what it would say anyway.
I don’t like writing tm’s either. The truth hurts and people get 😡.
I did that one year too
🤔 I've yet to be told any information about this. Plus, ETLs get to change it whatever you put.
They did that to one of my team member to bring his score down. And I was hell no , you don’t expect me to tell this person who goes above and beyond his center that he is just an average Joe. I said if they don’t give him the max I won’t deliver it. They need to change it to what I had. And eventually they did
I got an awful review last year so hoping for better this year lol 😳
What are team leads even graded on in performance? Training?
Every time they try to take me out of my department or mess with me I have this whole “oh I’m sorry” rant and go off about my metrics and sales. It’s become a meme at my store at this point lmao. I don’t think I should have to write a review since everyone already knows my department metrics and everything I do lmao
Every time they try to take me out of my department or mess with me I have this whole “oh I’m sorry” rant and go off about my metrics and sales. It’s become a meme at my store at this point lmao. I don’t think I should have to write a review since everyone already knows my department metrics and everything I do lmao

Do you mean that when they try and have you work outside your department you say no because that will affect your departments metrics and sales?

Every year I am told that I'm great, my department is great, and my metrics/sales are great. BUT then I get an average score because I didn't neglect my department to help other departments as much as they would have liked.
I neglect my department a bit to do other departments. I schedule myself out of my department a good chunk of the week
Do you mean that when they try and have you work outside your department you say no because that will affect your departments metrics and sales?

Every year I am told that I'm great, my department is great, and my metrics/sales are great. BUT then I get an average score because I didn't neglect my department to help other departments as much as they would have liked.
Every year I score myself low and I get the max , I don’t show to be cocky but I know if I score myself low I’m being humble and they know just how much I do and always get the max.
Awful? Based on what?
I got the lowest possible score in every category, including attendance, which was a shocker to me because I have never called out or been late to work ☹️. I was not really sure what happened, neither was the person delivering my review because she apologized a ton of times. I was told it wasn’t worth it to try and dispute any of the claims on there, so I just felt really sad but didn’t do anything about it, since I felt like maybe I was truly as terrible as they said I was. I try to be better now.. I hope they have noticed
I got the lowest possible score in every category, including attendance, which was a shocker to me because I have never called out or been late to work ☹️. I was not really sure what happened, neither was the person delivering my review because she apologized a ton of times. I was told it wasn’t worth it to try and dispute any of the claims on there, so I just felt really sad but didn’t do anything about it, since I felt like maybe I was truly as terrible as they said I was. I try to be better now.. I hope they have noticed
That’s bs , whatever you scored low on they should be able to back it up .
I got the lowest possible score in every category, including attendance, which was a shocker to me because I have never called out or been late to work ☹️. I was not really sure what happened, neither was the person delivering my review because she apologized a ton of times. I was told it wasn’t worth it to try and dispute any of the claims on there, so I just felt really sad but didn’t do anything about it, since I felt like maybe I was truly as terrible as they said I was. I try to be better now.. I hope they have noticed
Sometimes spot decides that the review scores are too high. Then, reduce your score & pay raise. Sounds like your TL disagree with your review & lost the battle with your upper mgt. always seek out ways to improve & remind spot about it, like sales, goals, attendance, etc.
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