Is there any break room in Kohl similar to Target ? If you worked at Kohl please feel free to share if there any room for employee to seat/take breaks

Nov 25, 2022
I know Target and Walmart has a room in the back which is used by Team Member and Team Leader when they take any breaks, or need to take a sit for there 15 or 45 minutes break. Does Kohl's company has backroom similar to Target and Walmart. I have been to Five Below, and Kohl's, in Five Below I have not notice any break room for their employee and there was not any seats at all there. I understand Five Below is very small, but not having any break room on this store is pretty surprising. I don't know much about if Kohl's have room similar to Walmart and Target which is used by employee to take a seat during their break, but I am considering Kohl's over Five Below given that it pays $15/hr (compare to $13/hr that pays in Five Below). Also the location that I planning to work in Kohl is much near than Target that I worked at (2.5 mi v/s 25 mi for Target).
I know Target and Walmart has a room in the back which is used by Team Member and Team Leader when they take any breaks, or need to take a sit for there 15 or 45 minutes break. Does Kohl's company has backroom similar to Target and Walmart. I have been to Five Below, and Kohl's, in Five Below I have not notice any break room for their employee and there was not any seats at all there. I understand Five Below is very small, but not having any break room on this store is pretty surprising. I don't know much about if Kohl's have room similar to Walmart and Target which is used by employee to take a seat during their break, but I am considering Kohl's over Five Below given that it pays $15/hr (compare to $13/hr that pays in Five Below). Also the location that I planning to work in Kohl is much near than Target that I worked at (2.5 mi v/s 25 mi for Target).
Since Kohl’s is closer and pays better than Five Below, apply at Kohl’s and ask them about the breakroom, or if you are hired wait until you go in for orientation and they will show it to you during your store tour if there is one. I can’t imagine that a chain as large as Kohl’s wouldn’t have break rooms for their employees, but if they don’t and it is that important to you you can always quit and look elsewhere. Don't waste any time, the window for seasonal hires is rapidly closing. Good luck!
I'm sure they do, but I also...wouldn't consider it super important if they didn't. I'd just as happily take my lunch in my car, or in a nearby restaurant.
When I worked at a small bookstore, we had a break room for with tables & chairs, a refrigerator where we could stash our lunches and drinks, a microwave. Wasn't as big as the one at the Target I work at, but there weren't as many employees either. Kohl's and Five Below will both have break rooms. Don't make your decision about where to work based on break room facilities - there are lots of other things way more important.
When I worked at a small bookstore, we had a break room for with tables & chairs, a refrigerator where we could stash our lunches and drinks, a microwave. Wasn't as big as the one at the Target I work at, but there weren't as many employees either. Kohl's and Five Below will both have break rooms. Don't make your decision about where to work based on break room facilities - there are lots of other things way more important.
I don't have a car. So the breakroom facilities for me is necessary.
I'm sure they do, but I also...wouldn't consider it super important if they didn't. I'd just as happily take my lunch in my car, or in a nearby restaurant.
It is cold as crazy in my city. No way I am getting out in like -2 degree Celsius temperature lol even to go to restaurant that are within 0.5 miles of the area. I choose to work because the stores gets p demanding during winter season.
I don't have a car. So the breakroom facilities for me is necessary.
Well, okay, but I still wouldn't make a decision about a job based on the break room. I've also had times without a car, taking the bus to work. If the little bookstore I worked at could manage to provide a break room, seems like pretty much any store would be able to provide something. And that was even though the store was in a much larger building that actually had a sort of food court on another floor, so technically, they probably could have got away without providing a break room. There will be a place away from customer traffic for employees to take a break and eat lunch.
I know Target and Walmart has a room in the back which is used by Team Member and Team Leader when they take any breaks, or need to take a sit for there 15 or 45 minutes break. Does Kohl's company has backroom similar to Target and Walmart. I have been to Five Below, and Kohl's, in Five Below I have not notice any break room for their employee and there was not any seats at all there. I understand Five Below is very small, but not having any break room on this store is pretty surprising. I don't know much about if Kohl's have room similar to Walmart and Target which is used by employee to take a seat during their break, but I am considering Kohl's over Five Below given that it pays $15/hr (compare to $13/hr that pays in Five Below). Also the location that I planning to work in Kohl is much near than Target that I worked at (2.5 mi v/s 25 mi for Target).
5b does not have a break room. In most stores, the manager's office doubles as a break room-type area.

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