Is there anything I can do about this?

Jan 11, 2024
Is it possible to be put on a final while on medical leave (fmla)? I noticed while on leave from signing into my workday that I was put on final. I have health conditions so this is my second leave but I always put under FMLA for job security. I was told that if it is attendance relate it can be change. But this was not attendance related at all.

I have mental health issues and it causes me to not preform how I want at work sometimes or really in every day life by just a few examples of brain fog, forgetfulness, mentally/physically drained. This has caused me to forget task to do or miss important goals like PCV. On top of our store being extremely busy. As front end TL we are in charge of PCV but at my old store it was GM TLs who took care of it. Which makes sense since we are in the front of the store and are not able to be on the Floor as much. See where I am getting at. (I don’t know if it’s like this at other stores but please let me know.) We are always told ask for help when you aren’t going to get it. Yet every single TL, ETL and SD should be watching it if it’s so important and call out if they’re able to get it. It is not easy for me to switch my brain from one thing to another. So if i’m trying to make sure the front doesn’t drown due to understaffing and keeping track of my front end metrics specifically. PCV slips my mind from time to time.

The only thing is I have no idea how to prove this against the CA’s. I have two but my second went straight to final. I had other conversations but they were not documented on workday, so I don’t understand how they can just go to final without all documentation. Also while being talked to I was never told that I was being given a CA. My ETLs talked to me so casually when addressing it.

With medical documentation can I have them revoked due to medical reasons? I know I could get accommodations but accommodations means I can still do my job correctly and well having these issues really doesn’t allow me to do my job to my full extent. My mental health has worsen as i’ve been getting older. Other than being forgetful sometimes: I have made the front a strong team by knowing all of them and building close relationships. I trust them they trust me, I take care of my team and really treat them like family. If they need anything even outside of work I will gladly help them because I truly care about them. I fully love helping guest and being able to make their day better and easier. Front end metrics are green and in other categories like helping other departments even though I shouldn’t.

I do feel like things are bias because after my old ETL got promoted to district. They started treating me differently.

The other thing is that my SD started putting CA against PCV because how YTD is yellow. From my knowledge I have not seen anyone else be put on CA from missing PCV (after feeling targeted by my higher ups I decided to check). How would I even be able to counter this if needed to bring it to HRHQ?

I do like my job and I take it seriously. I can’t help the things I mess up sometimes and explaining everything to my psychologist he says that he’s not surprised those things happened due to my conditions. He also feels like Target is toxic and thinks leaving is best and well, he’s not wrong.
It sounds like they are well on their way to performancing you out.
Is it fair? Not usually.
Is it legal? You betcha. They will have every piece of paper fully filled out in triplicate.
They are usually very good at this sort of thing.

For the future, might I recommend that you do put in for accommodations early on.
That would have helped you a lot in this situation.
It can include things like Asking for a written checklist of daily duties so you won't forget.
Get a letter from your psychiatrist explaining why you need them.

Target is probably not going to be a great fit all things considered.
I do recommend checking out your states Vocational Rehabilitation services.
They may be able to find you a good long term job.
As stated above . It is not fair but target is know for it .
You say your Etl was talking to you so casually , every-time you are spoken about performance or attendance that is a pdd. You can see your CA’s because you would have to acknowledge them , however you can not see your pdd’s which is how they get to a CA.
So are you saying they could possibly just make up the contents of a conversation they are seen having with you and call it a PDD and you re never the wiser till you re fired?

My slimy tl accused me of being angry with her after she refused to help organize the chaos surrounding front end sco...I was stunned when she said " oh now you're angry with me" It's like she just made up a conversation with me I actually wasnt a part of....she could document this and add it toward a CA?
So are you saying they could possibly just make up the contents of a conversation they are seen having with you and call it a PDD and you re never the wiser till you re fired?

My slimy tl accused me of being angry with her after she refused to help organize the chaos surrounding front end sco...I was stunned when she said " oh now you're angry with me" It's like she just made up a conversation with me I actually wasnt a part of....she could document this and add it toward a CA?

They don't have to make up the content of the conversation.
They can just say talked to you about a particular topic, and even if you had a valid defense that isn't important.
The conversation was had and you are screwed.
Just the the fact that it happened is all they need.
So are you saying they could possibly just make up the contents of a conversation they are seen having with you and call it a PDD and you re never the wiser till you re fired?

My slimy tl accused me of being angry with her after she refused to help organize the chaos surrounding front end sco...I was stunned when she said " oh now you're angry with me" It's like she just made up a conversation with me I actually wasnt a part of....she could document this and add it toward a CA?
They don’t have to make it up . They just have to say something along the lines today I spoke with X and she appeared to be angry etc .
Best assume that every time there’s a conversation there’s a possibility of a pdd.

You won’t get fired without a CA, you will be let know of the CA because you would acknowledge if even if you don’t acknowledge it still stands .

Not right but it’s how Target does things .
They don’t have to make it up . They just have to say something along the lines today I spoke with X and she appeared to be angry etc .
Best assume that every time there’s a conversation there’s a possibility of a pdd.

You won’t get fired without a CA, you will be let know of the CA because you would acknowledge if even if you don’t acknowledge it still stands .

Not right but it’s how Target does things .
Is there room for comment? How do you assess someone is angry when a mask covers their face?? And they simply return to their station after being told No I can't help you.
Also keep in mind the expectations are the same for every team member. Accommodations are there to help with certain tasks but you are still expected to meet the deadlines and metrics that the job requires and for which you were hired for. The duties of the job do not change.

Yes PDDs happen for every conversation. You can’t see these in the system. They don’t need you to acknowledge them and they don’t get revoked or dropped. They are documentation that a conversation was had whether you agreed with it or not.

CAs you can see and do acknowledge but they also still stand regardless of you acknowledging them or necessarily agreeing with them.

Work with your leaders to understand your expectations and the requirements of your role. If you are not meeting the expectations that will affect your performance which will lead to CAs.
Is there room for comment? How do you assess someone is angry when a mask covers their face?? And they simply return to their station after being told No I can't help you.
There’s always room for comment .

Again all that the person needs to say is that you appeared angry ,
then you say how can you tell if I was wearing a mask , the person will say just like you are now your mannerisms and your tone of voice appears to be angry .
Then you say I am not angry I’m only expressing myself , and then the tl or Etl say you are aggressive and defensive and remind you ,that you disrespected your leader when you walked away .

Doesn’t matter that the content of you walking away after you were told “ no they can’t help”
What matters is that on the video your leaders version is going to be supported because there’s no audio.

Perception on camera is everything for Tl and Etl to make up things .

I am not saying I believe this manager.

I am giving you the run down of how target works.
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There’s always room for comment .

Again all that the person needs to say is that you appeared angry ,
then you say how can you tell if I was wearing a mask , the person will say just like you are now your mannerisms and your tone of voice appears to be angry .
Then you say I am not angry I’m only expressing myself , and then the tl or Etl say you are aggressive and defensive and reminded you that you disrespected your leader when you walked away .

Doesn’t matter that the content of you walking away after you were told “ no they can’t help”
What matters is that on the video your leaders version is going to be supported because there’s no audio.

Perception on camera is everything for Tl and Etl to make up things .

I am not saying I believe this manager.

I am giving you the run down of how target works.

Having been through this I can confirm.
Having been through this I can confirm.
I’ve seen it so many times and in all types of situation .
They say you can’t coach of the camera when in fact you are told how to do it .

Tm got fired for pretending to push flatbeds only to return it back on the slate . Next day it was a conversation you’ve been observed . No names but big brother is always watching and it will fit whatever narrative they want to make it fit.
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Have to agree I have seen TLs and ETLS pull these exacr scenarioa many times across my long years at spot. Itd sick and wrong but if yiur targeted to be out thry will happily play these games :/
There’s always room for comment .

Again all that the person needs to say is that you appeared angry ,
then you say how can you tell if I was wearing a mask , the person will say just like you are now your mannerisms and your tone of voice appears to be angry .
Then you say I am not angry I’m only expressing myself , and then the tl or Etl say you are aggressive and defensive and remind you ,that you disrespected your leader when you walked away .

Doesn’t matter that the content of you walking away after you were told “ no they can’t help”
What matters is that on the video your leaders version is going to be supported because there’s no audio.

Perception on camera is everything for Tl and Etl to make up things .

I am not saying I believe this manager.

I am giving you the run down of how target works.
Thanks for the clarification !
Thanks for the clarification !
Just watch out for it . Clearly there’s something going on and sounds like your leader might be out to get you out .
I don’t know what state you are in but if want to see what’s in your file you can request in writing a copy of your personnel file which would include everything from pay , to pdd to ca etc .
The only thing that won’t be in there is any of the pre-employment

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