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Not really a vent, but something that's just fucking hilarious to me.

Today, while doing freight, my team lead decides he wants to fill eggs, so he brings out a fast rack of eggs, and somewhere in the middle of that he dropped a 6-count pack of simply balanced eggs and one singular yolk oozed it's way out onto the floor... my team leader says "gosh darn eggs"

then, back in the cooler, I was moving some of the fast racks with eggs around and I wasn't aware he hadn't put those eggs in the qmos bin yet, and as I was shifting it, the 6-pack fell onto the ground again, and one singular yolk once again oozed onto the floor, and my team lead just looks over and goes "God damn eggs" and he sounded just so genuinely inconvenienced by these eggs. He goes over and picks it up for me(as I was about to) and he puts them back on the fast rack after me and him cleaned it up with a mop and stuff.

He goes to push the fast rack back into it's spot... and two boxes of eggs fall down... and the now 3-count pack of eggs fall onto the ground, again, with a single yolk just oozing itself out onto the ground. Initially he says "That didn't sound good." and then he realized the same pack of eggs on the ground again with one yolk on the floor and he goes "these fucking eggs" and I just have been laughing about it all day.

He sounds just so inconvenienced by this and it's just like "these god damn eggs, these pesky eggs" and I sat in the cooler after he left probably laughing for a good solid 10 seconds. Thanks team leader, your stress literally just de-stressed me. You laughed with me at the irony of it being that single pack and only one egg getting destroyed every time, but idek man.
