My store has become the exact same way as you just described. Almost all the ETLs have thrown "well you should be able to get it all done, you've got two people helping you!" and it irritates me to no end. I have no idea what's going on with their logic but our market team used to run both dry and pfresh with just 3 people in each section working full shifts from 4 am but ever since we got a new STL a few months ago, all of that changed and we're reduced to having just 1 person pushing the truck that's between 3-5 pallets while dry market got taken by the overnight team and still having at least 4 people working there. We don't have anybody to cover for us or help us when we're behind so once we fall behind for one truck; we're screwed for the rest of the week.
I'm usually the one opening in pfresh and is the one expected to push the whole truck by noon, backstock and do the order on top of whatever whimsical desire that comes across any LOD's mind like push reshop or zone an area unrelated to market or stop and clean a spill on the floor etc. I barely have enough time to finish the truck 100% and do the order before my time is up so it is usually up to the closer to somehow purge the dairy cooler, receive the truck and break it down for the next opener. I don't think anyone has even touched freezer in a while because it's so jammed packed with uboats of backstock and pallets of push along with the metros and racks.
None of this is working out very well because we're getting burned out fast and the workload just ends up piling on each other but no one is listening to our complaints or even trying to lessen the load by adding 1 more person so we can finish sooner and start doing other things on the list. Steritech is going to hit us pretty soon and I'm sure we're going to get a red on that based on how much there is to do. We're just waiting for the other shoe to drop at this point