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agree with this!  also set tone early on with expectations with guest interactions, specifically the phone.  Closing can affect NPS, just as much of the dayside!  Our GM team is beyond bad at logging in and we don't have GM leads or Etl's that care about this! It is so frustrating for Guest service/Specialty teams.  When I close now I literally ask for TM's device as I come by and check to see if they are signed in the phone, if not I sign them in and make note to email out those names to receive workday performance conversation, especially if those TM's should know better; eg not new to the store, if they don't know, show them!  C.C. HR/Etl's in your e-mail to those leads so it gets done, if you have to take things further with TM's, partner with the department lead and if come down to it set a time when you, the dept. lead and issued TM is there to have a conversation together and sit down with the lead after to make sure it gets documented.
