Archived Label strips for Intimates transition?

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Sep 22, 2015
When I was setting some bra pogs the labels didn't auto batch so I manually printed them. When it happened again I decided to see if it was listed as a label pog. The paper work actually said it's a label strip planogram. Pretty weird, I know. I check the 2/26 strips and they're in there.

Does anyone know what the deal is? There's not a place for strips on the Intimates fixtures. They usually go in the hanging label holders on the puck end faceouts.

I know some stores are doing away with labels on softlines pogs (A&A 2.0) since RFID counts for us and we don't have to research anymore. Does anyone know if RIGS still drop in for this stuff?

If not, part of me is wondering if I can ask my ETL for the ok to set bras without labels. (Panty bins and bagged underwear would totally still have labels) Our softlines flow team just uses the price scanner to get in the right aisle for bras when they can't find it themselves. They don't really look at the schematic anyway.
I haven't seen a bra rig in I don't know how long. Not like I did them before with how fucked up the reshop is.

A black bra is a black bra, no reason to look beyond that right?
We used adhesive label strip holders to put on the racks so we didn't have to sleeve. I'm still surprised target hasn't figured out a better way to set intimates then sleeving the labels.
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